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BART, adds extra trains on Yellow Line between Pleasant Hill and Daly …

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BART adds extra trains on Yellow Line between Pleasant Hill and Daly City as ridership begins to increase

WALNUT CREEK, Calif. (KGO) -- ABC7 is committed to Building a Better Bay Area, and helping you navigate four main pillars including education, health, the economy and our changing workplace.

BART says it's taking another step toward restoring service as stay-at-home restrictions begin to ease in response to the coronavirus pandemic. This means BART riders who use the Yellow Line will be getting some breathing room.

Starting today, BART will add 3 trains to the morning and afternoon commute on the Yellow Line between Pleasant Hill to Daly City.

In the morning, the 3 added trains will originate at Pleasant Hill at 6:16 a.m., 6:46 a.m., 7:16 a.m.

In the afternoon, the 3 added trains will originate at Daly City at 3:55 p.m., 4:15 p.m. and 4:45 p.m.

BART officials say they are making the changes because ridership is picking up, and they want to give people room to spread out. Commuters say they have definitely noticed.

"Last week the seats started disappearing," said Jaymie Dasilveira of Concord. "So now people are walking around, looking around and trying to find a place to sit. No one wants to sit next to each other. So yeah, we need that extra train now."

BART also wants to switch everyone to Clipper cards, and eliminate paper tickets.

Starting today, the Dublin/Pleasanton Station will go Clipper-card only.

The goal is to convert the whole system to only Clipper cards.

The following stations will be converted in June:

Week of June 15- Coliseum and Oakland International Airport stations

Week of June 22- Montgomery Street Station

Week of June 29- Civic Center Station

Remember to stay six feet apart on the trains, and all passengers will be also required to wear a mask at all times.
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작성일2020-06-08 11:58

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