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CA의 모든 DMV 오픈

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6월 11일 목요일에 모든 DMV가 오픈을 한다네요.
그래도 면허시험은 아직 볼 수 없나봅니다.


Reopening California: DMV will reopen all of its field offices on Thursday, officials say
Updated an hour ago

SAN FRANCISCO -- After months of being closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the California Department of Motor Vehicles will open all 169 of its field offices on Thursday, June 11, officials announced.

REOPENING CALIFORNIA: Here's everything allowed to open (and what we're still waiting on)

DMV officials say they still encourage people to use the department's online services and other non-contact methods to process transactions, especially those who wish to renew their license or registration.

But not all services will return at the DMV offices once they open, like behind-the-wheel driving tests.

The department will offer limited services such as:

Paying registration for a vehicle impounded because of registration-related issues
Reinstating a suspended or revoked driver license
Applying for a reduced-fee or no-fee identification card
Processing commercial driver license transactions
Applying for a disabled person parking placards
Adding an ambulance certificate or firefighter endorsement to a driver license
Verifying a transit training document to drive a transit bus
Processing DMV Express customers for REAL ID transactions, if time and space allow
Vehicle verifications
추천 0

작성일2020-06-09 13:00

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