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코비드 후 리오픈 상황에서 안전한것은? COVID-19 risk calculator: Quiz yourself on the s…

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COVID-19 risk calculator: Quiz yourself on the safest, most dangerous things you can do as California reopens

California is reopening, but the coronavirus is still with us. As life starts to look a little more normal, how safe is it to venture out?

We asked three medical experts to rank some of the things you may want to do (or have to do) in the era of COVID-19. Click or tap the scenarios below to quiz yourself or check out the full interactive experience here.

There's a neighborhood family that has children the same age as yours. Desperate to get your kid some socialization and burn off energy, you hatch a plan to form a quaran-team. No one has been sick recently, all parents are working from home, the kids have not gone to school, and the only time anyone leaves their home is to get groceries or pick up takeout. Even when a parent does that, they wear a mask, gloves, keep proper social distance, and wash hands afterwards. With all that in place, you elect to hang out with the family regularly without wearing masks.

What is the risk? None, low, medium, high or extreme? Tap here to find out.

Now that hair salons have reopened, you're hoping a cut and color will give you even just a taste of normalcy. You make your appointment online and when you arrive at the salon, you and the hairdresser are the only ones there. You see the windows cracked, but it's hot so the AC is also running. You both wear masks the whole time as you chat and get your hair cut. You pay with a credit card at the end.

What is the risk? None, low, medium, high or extreme? Tap here to find out.

You're hoping to sweat out the stress of living through a global pandemic by taking a hot yoga class. You check in online, bring your own mat and towel, and head straight into the studio before class starts. The instructor is wearing a mask as she paces around the room. Everyone's mats are spread out by at least 6 feet, but in a 95-degree room, none of the other students can bear to keep their masks on, nor can you.

What is the risk? None, low, medium, high or extreme? Tap here to find out.

With shelter-in-place restrictions easing, you decide to take a much-needed vacation to a hotel on a Southern California beach. You opt to fly since it's fastest. You wear a mask and gloves in the airport and on the airplane. You take the first flight of the morning to avoid crowds and take advantage of the overnight cleaning of the plane. The airport isn't crowded. You get the window seat. There's no one in the middle seat but there is another passenger in the aisle seat. All passengers and crew are wearing masks. The flight is about an hour.

What is the risk? None, low, medium, high or extreme? Tap here to find out.

You line up for your weekly grocery haul on a Saturday morning. While queued up outside, everyone is wearing masks and standing 6 feet apart. Once you get inside, it's not crowded, but it's pretty impossible to stay 6 feet away from other shoppers while you pass them in the aisles. You spend about 45 minutes in the store then head home. You used to disinfect all the cans and boxes you brought home, but lately you've just been using hand sanitizer and carrying on.

What is the risk? None, low, medium, high or extreme? Tap here to find out.

You drive to visit the grandparents in a city where there have been COVID-19 cases, but it's not out of control. Three days before visiting, everyone gets tested for the virus and all results are negative. Instead of staying in a hotel, you and your kids stay in their guest room. Other than one family outing to the zoo, everyone pretty much just hangs out at the house all weekend. Everyone washes their hands a lot, but you don't wear masks when you're indoors because you want things to feel a little normal.

What is the risk? None, low, medium, high or extreme? Tap here to find out.

It's your graduation/baby shower/birthday/insert-special-occasion and you're sick of this social distancing stuff. You send out a mass text to 20 friends, telling them to come over and celebrate, as long as they aren't actively feeling sick. Most of them are wearing masks when they show up, but that doesn't last very long once people come inside, start drinking, and snacking on the chips and salsa you put out. Your guests make some attempt to stand apart at the beginning, but as more people arrive and more drinks are consumed, there's less of a concerted effort.

What is the risk? None, low, medium, high or extreme? Tap here to find out.

After months of being cooped up and doing distance learning, you decide it's time to get the kids out of the house. You enroll them in a day camp at a local community center. Campers are in groups of 10 and the staff tries to keep the groups from intermixing, but they all use the same bathrooms and other facilities. Much of the day is spent outdoors, but the kids sometimes move inside to get a break from the heat. The counselors remind kids t
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작성일2020-06-19 12:16

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