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산타클라라카운티 학교 오픈에 대하여...Santa Clara County releases plan to reopen schoo…

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Santa Clara County releases plan to reopen schools amid COVID-19 pandemic

SANTA CLARA CO, Calif. (KGO) -- Santa Clara County officials announced their plan for K-12 public and private schools to safely reopen for the 2020-21 school year amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The 22-page guideline explores how to continue with in-person instruction without increasing risk to COVID-19.

"It is up to us to adapt to this virus and to do anything possible to suppress the levels." County Public Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody said. "The better that we do that, the more sure we can be that schools can safely open."

While there is no guarantee schools will return this year, guidelines would require middle school and high school students to adapt to physical distancing and face covers.

The rules for younger elementary school students will focus more on establishing stable cohorts of students that don't intermix, since there is a greater need for in-person instruction and it's harder to enforce social distancing. For middle school and high school students, there will be a bigger emphasis on wearing face coverings, keeping physical distance and may utilize more online learning.

All schools will be required to do the following in order to reopen:

    Drop-off and pick-up: Ask parents to stay in cars (when possible) for drop-off and pick-up, or at least wear a mask. Have staff disperse gathered students during these times.

    Elementary classes: Keep students in a stable cohort that doesn't mix with other cohorts or teachers.

    Middle school classes: Maximize distancing between student desks.

    High school classes: Keep teachers at least 6 feet from students and create a stable seating chart so that close contact is limited.

    School buses: Bus drivers and students need to wear face masks and students need to sit far apart on the bus.

    Face coverings: Students should wear masks when arriving, leaving, or outside the classroom. Elementary school students are encouraged, but not required to wear cloth face coverings in their stable classroom cohort. Middle and high school students are required to wear them even in the classroom. Teachers and staff have to wear them at all times.

    Activities: "Aerosol generating activities," such as choir, band and vocal cheerleading, are banned. Guidance is forthcoming on extracurricular sports, the county says.

All schools are being told to prepare for the possibility of school shutting down again and a return to distance learning.

Dr. Cody said Tuesday, officials are learning young kids don't bring the same concern with COVID-19 transmission, that they do with the flu.

"In fact, it's probably more likely that an adult would spread to a child," she said.

According to new guidance, if a student or staff member tests positive, immediate actions could include an entire cohort be tested and quarantined for two weeks.

For Alum Rock School District, great risk is a reality. Public health data shows several zipcodes within the Alum Rock neighborhood register as having the highest case rates in the county.

"From the Alum Rock School District's perspective, we're not there yet," District Superintendent, Dr. Hilaria Bauer told ABC7 News.

Schools are also suggested - but not required - to do the following:

    Keep class sizes as small as possible.
    Use non-classroom settings, like gyms or outdoor spaces, to help spread students out.
    Serve meals in classrooms or outdoors instead of cafeterias.
    Minimize use of lockers.
    Provide face coverings for those who may forget to bring one.

In non-classroom settings, recommendations include:

    Assigned bathrooms
    Outdoor meals
    One-way walking areas

School athletics have yet to be addressed.

Even before schools reopen their doors in the fall, there's much work to be done, emphasized Dr. Sara Cody, the county's public health officer.

"We strongly encourage everyone to strictly follow social distancing guidelines, wear face coverings and do their part to protect our whole community throughout summer and beyond so students and teachers can safely return to school," said Dr. Cody.

"So, what's going to happen on August 18th- the first day of school for Alum Rock- is anybody's guess," Dr. Bauer added.

Santa Clara County is on the state's watch list of areas with concerning coronavirus trends. An additional 116 people tested positive for COVID-19 in the county in the past 24 hours, bringing the total so far to 4,370.
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작성일2020-07-03 16:02

sansu님의 댓글

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