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나파 카운티 포함 3곳 감시목록에 추가.. 3 more counties added to COVID-19 watch list, …

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나파나 소노마 카운티로 주말에 외식하러 가야하나 고민 했더니만..

산타클라라 카운티 처럼 오전에는 감시목록에 넣었다가 잘못 판단했다고 오후에 해제하는 일은 없겠지요?


3 more counties added to COVID-19 watch list, Gov. Newsom announces

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Gov. Gavin Newsom announced an additional three counties were added to the state's watch list of areas of concern amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Napa, San Benito and Yolo counties were all added, bringing the total to 26. See the rest of the list here.

RELATED: Napa County braces for second wave of coronavirus restrictions, added back on state's watch list

Last week, the governor ordered the closures of bars, indoor restaurants, zoos and museums in counties that have been on the state's watch list for more than three days. At the time, that applied to 19 counties, or about 70% of the state's population.

If these counties stay on the watch list through the end of the week, they'll also have to start closing down those businesses.

Napa is getting ahead of the situation and bracing to close down indoor restaurants, tasting rooms and taprooms starting at 12:01 a.m. Thursday morning.

PHASE 4: When will California enter Phase 4 of reopening? Experts weigh in

Newsom spent the bulk of his press conference Wednesday addressing the issues of hospital capacity and protective equipment. He said the state has been successful at maximizing hospital capacity and establishing alternative care sites since March.

That extra hospital capacity has started to look more and more necessary; COVID-19 hospitalizations have grown 44% over the last two weeks, the governor said.
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작성일2020-07-08 13:59

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