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써 라 테이블, 주방용품 매장 뱅크럽시, 베이지역 매장 5곳 클로즈, Sur La Table files for bankrupt…

페이지 정보



오늘도 매장을 닫는곳 뉴스가 있습니다.
뱅크럽시 파일링도 하고, 전체 매장 120곳 중 절반이 문을 닫는다네요.

베이지역도 5곳을 클로즈하니,
역시 일자리가 많이 없어지는 슬픈 뉴스 입니다.


Sur La Table files for bankruptcy, will close 5 Bay Area stores

Sur La Table, the nearly 50-year-old purveyor of upscale kitchenware, has gone bankrupt.

The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection late Wednesday, announcing in a press release that it’s putting itself up for sale and will close a substantial number of stores so it can “prosper in the current retail environment and position the company for a vibrant future.”

Roughly half of its 120 US stores will close permanently, according to a spokesperson. Sur La Table, like other retailers, was temporarily forced to close its locations’ doors in March because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Sur La Table also known for its in-store cooking classes, which have also been discontinued because of local laws limiting indoor dining or gatherings.

CEO Jason Goldberger said the sale process “will result in a revitalized Sur La Table, positioned to thrive in a post Covid-19 retail environment.”

“Sur La Table will have a balance sheet and retail footprint optimized to position the company for a bright future that continues our nearly 50-year tradition of offering high-quality cooking products and experiences to our customers,” he added.

Sur La Table also said that its optimistic for its future because “cooking and in-home entertainment continue to capture increasing mindshare of consumers.” More people are beginning to cook and eat at home as the result of the pandemic.

The company said its entered a “stalking horse” agreement with investment group Fortress for a minimum bid and possible purchaser.

The retailer is the latest mall staple to go broke and close stores. It joins a growing list of companies like Brooks Brothers, J.Crew, JCPenney and Neiman Marcus, all of which filed for Chapter 11 in recent months.

Bay Area Sur La Table closings

    Corte Madera: Corte Madera Town Center
    San Francisco: San Francisco Centre
    San Francisco: Union Street, 2224 Union St.
    San Jose: 378 Santana Row
    Santa Clara: Santa Clara Square
추천 0

작성일2020-07-09 13:18

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