* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

"Much higher mortality than Corona" - Futurism.

페이지 정보



According to China's state-run Global Times and Hong Kong's South China Morning Post on the 10th, the Chinese embassy in Kazakhstan warned its people through a WeChat account the day before. The Chinese embassy said in Kazakhstan that 1,772 people died in the first half of the year from pneumonia, especially 628 people in the month of June alone.

It has been reported that an unidentified pneumonia, which has a much higher fatality rate than Corona 19, is spreading in Kazakhstan, bordering China.

According to China's state-run Global Times and Hong Kong's South China Morning Post (SCMP), the Chinese embassy in Kazakhstan urged its people through the WeChat (Chinese version of KakaoTalk) account the day before.

"The Kazakhstani health authorities are conducting a comparative study of the pneumonia virus, but the virus has not yet been identified," said the Chinese embassy. "Chinese people will need to strengthen precautions to reduce the risk of infection."

According to Kazakhstan's health authorities, more than 1,700 pneumonia occurred in the country last month, more than twice the same period last year.

This is an official statistic, so there is a lot more to it.

Health officials in the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, said, "More than 300 people are diagnosed with pneumonia every day and are hospitalized."

The spread of unidentified pneumonia can be said to be a catastrophe of overthrow in Kazakhstan after a tough war with Corona19.

Kazakhstan's cumulative corona19 number was 4,683 by the 7th, of which 264 died.

The government of Kazakhstan, which declared an emergency on March 16 due to the spread of Corona19, lifted the blockade on May 11, but is strengthening restrictions and quarantine measures again in some areas due to the spread of unidentified pneumonia.

According to Kazakhstan's health authorities, the number of patients currently suffering from pneumonia is 2-3 times higher than those infected with Corona19.

"The second wave of Corona 19 and the surge in pneumonia are overlapping," said Kassim-Jomart Tokayev, Kazakhstan. "The situation is still serious, and it is too early to ease restrictions."

China also has an emergency on the border with Kazakhstan.
7/9/2020, 8:57:05 PM

추천 0

작성일2020-07-09 21:57

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