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연방정부 재난지역선포로 지원금 신청 가능... 8Wildfire survivors in 8 California countie…

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아래 8개 카운티에서 화재피해 받은 분들 재난 지원금 신청 가능하답니다.

피해 본 분들이 없어야 겠지만, 그래도 연방기금을 받을 수 있다니 다행인것인지...


Wildfire survivors in 8 California counties can now apply for federal disaster assistance

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Both individuals and businesses in several California counties can now apply for federal disaster assistance to cover uninsured losses caused by the ongoing wildfires burning across much of Northern California.

President Donald Trump on Saturday approved federal funding for affected individuals in the following counties:

    San Mateo
    Santa Cruz

Assistance can include grants for low-coast loans, temporary housing, and home repairs to cover property losses that are not covered by insurance, as well as other programs to help home and business owners recover from the wildfires.

Grants may also help survivors with financial assistance that include other disaster

Before you apply, you are encouraged to call your insurance company and file a claim along with submitting photos and videos of the damage. Keep all receipts related to home repairs.

Registration for uninsured losses is encouraged to be done as soon as possible online at disasterassistance.gov or by calling 1-800-621-3362. You can also download the FEMA app.

Applicants should have the following information ready:

    Social Security Number
    Insurance policy information
    Address of the damaged primary dwelling
    A description of disaster-caused damage and losses
    Current mailing address
    Current telephone number
    Total household annual income
    Routing and account number of your checking or savings account (for direct transfer to your bank account)

Registrations and inspections will be done remotely due to the pandemic, and all inspections will be done by telephone, officials said.

Handling registrations and inspections remotely keeps everyone safe, officials said in an announcement. Inspections will be done by telephone due to COVID-19.
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작성일2020-08-26 12:03

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