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구글타운에 따른 산호세 시 보고서 발표 연기... Google’s huge downtown San Jose transit vi…

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구글타운 형성에 따른 주변 환경 보고서라는데,...

프로젝트 이름이 다운타운웨스트 인가 봅니다.

Google’s huge downtown San Jose transit village project review is delayed slightly
Major report on Google transit village slated for October release

SAN JOSE — City officials said Friday they have delayed the release of a crucial report about a Google transit village proposed for downtown San Jose, saying the game-changing project is so complex that more time is required to fashion the study.

Google has proposed a transit-oriented neighborhood near the Diridon train station that would consist of offices, homes, shops, restaurants, hotel rooms, cultural hubs, entertainment centers, and open spaces where the search giant could employ 25,000 people.

It’s anticipated that the project could be the largest — and most complicated — single development considered by the city of San Jose, and that complexity contributed to the delay.

The next major step in the city planning process was an initial environment impact report about the Google village, officially known as Downtown West, that had been slated for release by the end of this month. However, a delay is necessary, said Rosalynn Hughey, San Jose’s director of planning, building, and code enforcement.

“Release of the Draft Environmental Impact Report on the Downtown West project was planned for the end of August,” Hughey said. “The size and complexity of the project are such that the City and consultant team are still working on this draft and are now anticipating its release later in the fall.”

Mountain View-based Google remains committed to the project, a spokesperson said Friday.

Google is looking forward to the next steps and continuing with this important process as Google, the city, and its residents work towards the city’s consideration next year, a Google spokesperson said.

The report is now slated to be released in October. It is expected to be formally discussed at a city study session on Nov. 16, said Nanci Klein, the city’s director of real estate.

“It is not uncommon for large projects to continue to refine their analysis,” Klein said.

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작성일2020-08-28 12:50

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