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부엉이를 애완동물로 가지는 방법

페이지 정보



천연기념물이라해서 애완동물로 가지지 못하게 하면

과연 그것이 그 종이 생존하게 도움을 줄까?

내보기엔 전혀 그렇치 않타.

멸종된 토종닭을 바라.

천연기념물도 아니였고 기르게 했지만 실제는 멸종했다. ( 지금 있는 토종닭은 인공적으로 복원한 품종 )

결국 인간들은 지살 궁리나 하지 동물은 신경안쓴다.

개 고양이 다 필요해서 신경쓰니까 숫자가 많은거다.

결국 애완동물로 기르게 하면 오히려 신경쓰는 사람이 많아져 보존이 되는거다.

애완동물화 할수 있는것은 애완동물 기르는것을 장려해서
보존 하고 객체를 늘일수 있다는 말.

보니까 한국의 소쩍새도 비교적 작아서 훌륭한 애완 동물 가능성이 보인다.

미국 보면 부엉이를 전반적으로 못기르게 하는 이유가
토종 종을 보존하기 위한건데. 기르게 하는 주도 있는것 같음.

Erasian eagle owl같은 커다란 부엉이는 토종이 아니라서 길러도 된다고.  한마리에 4000불 호가.

근데 한국의 소쩍새는  구글에 나오는데로 Eurasean scope owl 이 아니라 한다.  참 모양도 다른데도 구글 같은데서 보고 다른 품종을 같은거로 만들어 버리는 사람들 참 괴뢰틱 함.

소쩍새는 학명은 Otus scops stictonotus (SHARPE)이다. 올빼미과 조류. 
[출처: 한국민족문화대백과사전(소쩍새)]

미국에서 부엉이종류를 애완동물로 가질수 있는 주

Alabama – Yes, you can keep an owl.
Alaska – No, you cannot have an owl.
Arizona – You cannot own an owl unless it’s for educational, wildlife rehabilitation, or wildlife management purposes.
Arkansas – As long as you can prove you legally acquired an owl, you can keep it.
California – No, you cannot have an owl.
Colorado – No, you cannot keep an owl.
Connecticut – Nope.
Delaware – Yes, you can have an owl.
Florida – You need a permit to own an owl.
George – You can own an owl as long as you don’t get a specie that is inherently dangerous.
Hawaii – Nuh-uh.
Idaho – As long as you get an owl that isn’t a threat to livestock, the environment, agriculture, and wildlife. You’ll need a permit from the Idaho Department of Agriculture.
Illinois – You can get an owl. Yay!
Indiana – You’ll need a permit before you can own an owl.
Iowa – Don’t even try.
Kansas – Not unless you’re running a zoo, sanctuary, or approved animal facility.
Kentucky – You can own an owl as long as you don’t get a specie that is inherently dangerous.
Louisiana – You can get an owl.
Maine – You need a permit to own an owl.
Maryland – You might need to check in with your state government, since they have a long list of exotic pets that aren’t allowed.
Massachusetts – Nope.
Michigan – You need a permit before you can own an owl.
Minnesota – You can own an owl. Yay!
Mississippi – You can own an owl, but you need a species that isn’t inherently dangerous, get a permit that has relatively steep requirements, and constantly renew that permit every year per animal (and is an owl really worth the effort?)
Missouri – Check your state’s list of dangerous wild animals to see if you can own an owl and, if you can, have it registered.
Montana – You’ll need an entry permit and health certificate for your owl.
Nebraska – You can own an owl.
Nevada – You can own an owl.
New Hampshire – Nope, you can’t have an owl.
New Jersey – You can’t have an owl unless it’s for zoos and exhibits, and even then it has extensive requirements.
New Mexico – You need to go to your state website and fill out a permit application for your owl.
New York – You cannot have an owl.
North Carolina – There are no state laws, but there are specific laws per county and city on exotic pets.
North Dakota – You may or may not need a permit for your owl.
Ohio – You cannot have an owl. Sad.
Oklahoma – You need a permit to own any animal anyway, so you definitely need a permit for your owl.
Oregon – You cannot own an owl.
Pennsylvania – You need a permit for your owl.
Rhode Island – As long as you can prove that you can take good care of your owl, you can keep it.
South Carolina – If your owl is a native animal, you need a permit before you can call it your pet.
South Dakota – If owls are listed as an exotic pet by the state, you need a permit and a veterinarian’s examination.
Tennessee – You can own an owl.
Texas – You might need a license to own a pet, depending on how dangerous your owl is.
Utah – You can try applying for a permit to own an owl, but the state only approves exotic animals in rare instances.
Vermont – You cannot get an owl except for educational purposes. If you do have educational or exhibitory purposes, you’ll still need a permit.
Virginia – You cannot keep an owl not native to your state.
Washington – You cannot keep dangerous species of owls.
West Virginia – You cannot keep dangerous and non-native species of owl.
Wisconsin – You need an import permit and certificate of veterinary inspection before you can legally keep your owl.
Wyoming – You cannot keep an owl

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작성일2021-08-03 13:24

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