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Kornprom Saengaram FYI

Do You Know: Hyderabad Nawab Used Rolls Royce Cars to Transport Garbage 

Since its inception, Rolls Royce always commanded special respect from people from all walks of life. 

Across the world, the plush and high-end car has always been associated with the elite and looked upon as 

a symbol of aristocracy. However, Rolls

 Royce hit a rough patch for a brief while, when Mukarram Jah, the Nizam of Hyderabad, decided to 

take the British luxury automobile maker to the

 task. When the Nizam was in London in the 1920's, he was taking a stroll through 

Bond Street in a casual dress. He came across the Rolls Royce

 showroom, and the latest car models piqued his interest. To inquire about the price 

and other details about those cars, the Nizam tried to enter the

 showroom. Seeing the Nawab in casual attire, the staff of Rolls Royce mistook him for 

some ordinary Indian who could only dream of buying a

 luxurious car. So the staff asked the Nizam to leave the showroom. Despite  such  grave insult, the Nizam 

didn’t lose his cool and politely left the

 showroom. After returning to the hotel, he asked his secretary to call up the company 

and inform them about his proposed visit to the showroom. 

This time, the company gave his highness a red-carpet welcome. The Nizam made 

the payment for 6 Rolls Royce cars and shipped them to India.

 After landing in Hyderabad, the Nizam ordered the city municipal department to use 6 

Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting garbage. He

 made it very clear to the department that the municipality using the high-end cars for 

cleaning and transporting garbage should be visible to people

 living in Hyderabad. The news spread like a wildfire, and in no time, everyone got 

to know that the Nawab of Hyderabad was using 

the coveted cars for cleaning the princely state. Consequently, Rolls Royce lost

 a significant number of its patrons in Europe and America

 and its sales dipped to an all-time low. The company thought the best way to get

 out of this soup would be to pacify the Nawab by 

admitting their mistake and apologize for the insult. Further, the

 company offered 6 more cars to him for free.

 Very soon, the Nawab stopped transporting garbage in Rolls Royce cars.       

#RollsRoyce #HistoryofHyderabad #NizamsofHyderabad #InterestingStories

한마디로 1920년대에 롤스 로이스 매장에 가서 푸대접 받은 인도인이

열받아서 롤스 로이스를 여러대 구입해서 인도로 보냄. 그리고 그 차들을 보란듯이 쓰레기 치우는 용도로 사용할 것을 지시함

이 때문에 롤스 로이스 브랜드 이미지에 타격을 입어 고객들이 주문 취소 사태가일어남 ㅋ

결국 롤스 로이스가 공개적으로 당사자에게 사과하고 추가로 차 6대를 무료로 선물로 보냄. ^^
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작성일2022-06-29 17:14

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