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18살 신부와 결혼한 러시아의 55세 오일부자

페이지 정보



이 둘은 여자가 14살부터 만나왔고, 이번에 여자가 18살되면서 결혼했다네요.. 싱가폴과 러시아를 오가며 사는 커플은 법적으로 16세가 되어야 동거나 성관계가 허용되는데 14살부터 만나 법적으로 문제가 되겠지만 조치는 안취할꺼라고 하네요. 결혼 선물로 밀리언짜리 벤틀리 받은거 인스타에 자랑으로 여자가 올렸다가 사람들에게 공격받아 현재는 전체공개에서 프라이벳 세팅으로 바꿨다네요.

Elizaveta Adamenko, 18, shows off her new white Bentley, a gift from her oil tycoon husband&nbspValentin Romanov

The model gives a glimpse into her luxurious lifestyle, showing off her quilted Chanel bag and shopping from Dior 

Newlyweds Liza and Valentin pose for a selfie. The couple have reportedly been together since the teenager was 14 

The happy couple on their wedding day in July at Chateau Saint Jeannet on the French Riviera.

Liza shows off her new wheels: The car is estimated to have cost her husband in excess of &pound830,000

The model shows off her slim figure as she frolics in the surf in a white crochet bikini 

Liza&nbspAdamenko proudly shows off her new vehicle before taking it home from the dealership

The newlyweds enjoy a romantic moment on the beachLiza and Valentin sit back to watch the sunset as they relax on a yacht

Liza pokes her head out the window and strikes a cheeky pose by sticking out her tongue 

The selfie-loving model shows off the good looks that have earned her fashion shoots with magazines such as Vanity Fair 

Valentin and his teenage bride cuddle up and kiss for the camera 

Valentin seems a bit more camera shy than his young wife  

Liza shows off her amazing solitaire engagement ring 

Youthful pleasures! Valentin accompanied his teenage wife on a trip to Disneyland 

Liza (second from left) prepares to board a helicopter with two friends and her husband Valentin (right)

The model has previously hit back at critics who have commented on her relationship with a man old enough to be her father 

Liza's social media accounts give a glimpse into her enviable life of travel 

The pretty teenager has hit back at those who claim she uses Valentin as a sugar daddy 

Showing off her fun side: She may be a married woman but 18-year-old Liza is still very much a typical teenager 

Liza shows off her slim figure in a bikini aboard a yacht 

Shopping sprees at designer stores are all in a day's work for the model 

he Russian model leads a glamorous lifestyle, driving a Bentley and enjoying exotic holidays 

여자의 부모님들

The young model poses for a family photo with her parents 

추천 0

작성일2016-09-29 09:45

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