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Immigrant workers plan strike Thursday as part of ‘Day Without Immigra…

페이지 정보




Colin McDonough will be working in the kitchen at the restaurant he owns on Thursday while nearly his entire kitchen staff is out for the day.  McDonough said that to keep his restaurant open, he and a co-owner will flip burgers and make chicken wings themselves, sticking to the basic menu items they feel confident preparing.

Most of the kitchen staff at McDonough’s Boundary Stone restaurant in D.C.’s Bloomingdale neighborhood is made up of immigrants who will be on strike Thursday as part of the national “Day Without Immigrants” protest.

“It will be a very limited menu because we are not as talented as the people who normally work there,” said McDonough, who will be paying the employees who participate in the boycott. “We just got together and decided together as a team that it was a good idea on our part to give our team off to voice their concerns.”

[These Washington restaurants will close for the ‘Day Without Immigrants’ protest]

Immigrants in D.C. and across the country plan to participate in the “Day Without Immigrants” boycott, a response to President Trump’s pledges to crack down on those in the country illegally, use “extreme vetting” and build a wall along the Mexican border. The social-media-organized protest aims to show the president the effect immigrants have in the country on a daily basis. The boycott calls for immigrants not to attend work, open their businesses, spend money or even send their children to school. The Washington region had the seventh-largest immigrant population in the country in 2010, with 21.8 percent of the population being foreign-born, according to a study from the Brookings Institution.
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작성일2017-02-15 20:46

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