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Chris Kyle: American Sniper | 10 Questions | TIME

페이지 정보



Q: What do you feel when you pull the trigger and take a mans life?
A: Recoil (반동..)

Nicholas Russell
He wasn't a killer, he was a protector...R.I.P Hero

Robert Norton
Funny, because last I checked soldiers didn't pick who or what to fight against. He did what he had to do and protected the ones he was fighting with. Also, name a time when the middle east has ever been at peace.

Callum Fletcher
I don't see any reason to hate this man. What an actually legend. Not just because of his service to his country but a man too. He seems like a wonderful person. I for one am thankful he murdered and killed all those vile animals.
God bless you Chris. We miss you.

Disgusting and disturbing… Yes i am referring to the Woman asking the questions

Viktor Suvorov
Never ask someone, especially a vet, what it felt like to kill

Martin Koch +ThePizzadude93
So you understand what the people in their country did, and would do the same thing.

Chris Kyle was the real deal...True American Hero..RIP.

Sawyer Cantrell +Rlinda mcfarlane
That what snipers are trained to do dumbass. I don't consider him to be the best sniper he. Every sniper I have talked to said that Carols Hathcock is the greatest sniper we have ever had.

Rlinda mcfarlane+Sawyer Cantrell

Barnacules Nerdgasm
They should have bulked up Chris Pratt and had him play this guy in the movie, they look so much alike!

PK+Brian D.
Roberts you should respect the fallen.

There is a certain amount of sadness you can see every time he speaks.

Rokas Simonavičius +coolkid1901901
Sadness? There are interviews were he brags about killing people and makes up horrible stories that are proven wrong.. The movie is mostly against the facts... I know americans hope he is a hero, maybe not from the beginning, but he became cold harted murderer.

Trevor Brothers
May this man rest in peace a true American Hero!!!!

LOL....Hes a confirmed liar and a fraud....yeah right he sat on the super dome and shot 23 looters during Hurricane Katrina....LOL

Scameron44 it's a shame Chris Kyle isn't around to defend himself from all this hate

Charlotte Hamms
To all the ignorant assholes calling him a murderer, just remember that he fought to preserve your 1st Amendment right to idiotic, disrespectful speech.

Matt Irwin
Did she really ask 'if you never got to kill again would you be ok with it?' idiot.
추천 0

작성일2017-03-03 13:28

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