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The end of Korea as we know 우리가 아는 한국의 종말

페이지 정보



The recent breakout and the spread of MERS (The Middle East Respiratory Symptom) in Korea gave us a real shock not because it is deadly serious and lethal epidemic but it is because the way Koreans deal with it in most shameful and unimaginable manner.
Any sane people will fight any disease or epidemic of this kind with reason and strong will to fight out but Koreans try to cover it up, try to dig the hole and sit on it.

The breakout was very unfortunate incident and nobody would be blamed for it however the way Korean people deal with epidemic was totally out of sense and can’t be understood by anyone with basic sense. 
MERS is viral disease and it will infect everybody around patient just like that commonly well known flu or cold. Those god damn mother fucker Korean physicians put MERS patient with other respiratory disease patient in a same room and that’s how it became pandemic just like you see in Korea right now.

The ignorance and the ugly practice of fucked up third world medical community in Korea and completely fucked up Korean CDC shocks me that it is less than African country or some no name under developed country far away from civilized world.
The number of MERS patients in questionable status for immediate quarantine will be triple or quadrupled from current number of 682 as the stage of MERS became the level that infects among people. The patient zero is no longer is an issue and it became clearly air bone pandemic in Korea.   

The cover up of rotten and incapable rogue Korean regime is also big threat to every Korean people under it as it forges the current progress of MERS spread in Korea and how people protect themselves from this deadly pandemic.

There’s serious suspect among medical professionals that MERS mutated into air bone in Korea but the incapable ruthless rogue Korean regime keeps denying it and became threat  not only to Korean but to every people in the world. Furthermore those Fascist rogue regime claims that it is falsified rumors from North Korean agent or agitators. It is also general attitude of old generation Korean on any crisis of the country.

What kind of fucked up NAZI country blames everything to commies and agitators?         
The country that my young friend at college back in 80s wanted to build and achieve and died for was all gone with some greed torn materialistic frantic crazy capitalism and now we can only find brutally gang raped remnant of once gentile and friendly old sister now having mental disorder of some serious suicidal tendency.
It is so agonizing to watch once prominent exciting vigorous country with full of hope and energy suddenly dropped into into file of shit and stuck there and could not come out no matter what they do.       
It is like seeing your loved one having Alzheimer slowly being decayed in to some unconscious mindless primitive creature.   
Every old glory and hope on Korea has gone and nothing can be recovered from there as we can suddenly aware it by watching this mindless and careless response to this sudden outbreak of pandemic Korea.
We see the death of a country and that’s the end of Korea as we have long been aware and been with.

Too bad to lose some place you know well but fuck it! Sun rises tomorrow as well. Let’s not too obsessed with fucked up real estate asset.
추천 0

작성일2015-06-02 13:53

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