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한국의료 수준이 높은것 같다

페이지 정보




25명의 홍콩의사가 한국에서 Mers에 대해서 교육받는다고 한다
17명의 의사는 교육을 받고 홍콩으로 돌아갔고 8명은 아직도 교육중이라고 한다
 China Morning Post에 나온  Mers에 대한 기사이다

"They should avoid farms and contact with animals, especially camels. They should also avoid medical environments with Mers patients," Ng said yesterday.

Health minister Dr Ko Wing-man explained why a travel alert was not yet necessary.

"All the confirmed Mers cases in South Korea are related to health care institutions, and there is no direct evidence of sustained transmission in the community … the [World Health Organisation] does not support any travel restrictions on South Korea," Ko said.

The number of cases in South Korea has risen to 30. A South Korean man with the virus triggered a Mers alert last week when he ignored warnings not to travel and flew into Hong Kong.

Eight Hospital Authority doctors are still training in South Korea, while 17 doctors have returned from there within the past two weeks. Although they have not displayed symptoms, they must follow precautions.

"They have to take their body temperature daily for the first 14 days upon coming back to Hong Kong. If any respiratory symptoms arise, they have to report to the infection control team in their hospital," said Dr Liu Shao-haei, chief manager of the authority.

The authority would also contact the eight doctors still in South Korea. They will return to Hong Kong on completion of their training programmes.

With medical institutions seen as the key in the spread of Mers in South Korea, the authority has put up signs in accident and emergency wards and general outpatient clinics, reminding people to wear masks and go to segregation areas if they have flu-like symptoms.
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작성일2015-06-04 10:02

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