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前 CIA요원, NIC 위원, 한미동맹 파탄 경고. (現 조지타운大 교수)

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Bending to China to jeopardize Korea-US ties

A former U.S. government official warned that any decision by South Korea to yield to China's trade curbs may jeopardize the Seoul-Washington alliance.

"Wrong decisions -- anything seen as aid or compromise with the North Korean state -- or bending to Chinese economic blackmail, could have disastrous consequences for our long-lived alliance and friendly relations," Georgetown University School of Foreign Service professor William Brown told The Korea Times.

The warning came amid a deepening dispute between Seoul and Beijing as China is taking retaliatory measures against South Korea through a boycott of Korean products and pressuring tourism agencies not to book tours to Korea over the deployment of the U.S. advanced missile defense system.

Brown, who previously worked for the CIA, the Commerce Department and the National Intelligence Council, said that two countries could become detached if a new president were to draw the wrong lessons from Trump's victory last year.

Korea's new leader will be elected in a snap election on May 9.

He believes any wrong decision could make Trump take drastic action because Trump is under growing pressure from Americans who feel increasingly frustrated over military spending overseas.

"Washington think tanks and American _ and many Korean _ academics and pundits badly misread the degree to which Americans are growing weary of the costly military forces we have overseas leading to unsustainable federal fiscal and foreign trade deficits," he said.

"They want a smaller, less costly and less taxing government. Trump wants a bigger military but he said he expects our allies, pointedly including Korea, to work harder to defend themselves. Some Americans incorrectly see Korea's economic success as subtracting from the U.S. economy."

The Washington-based Korea expert stressed it is important to understand that the Trump administration's "America first" policy and Korean success are not at odds with each other.

"We are not rivals or even competitors," he said. "Hopefully the new Korean leader and Trump can get together early on and iron out a new strategic plan for our relationship that will drive us to long-term economic stability and growth and success in dealing with North Korea."

Against this backdrop, Brown advised Korea to build a stronger alliance with the U.S.

"The new leader should draw strength by moving closer to Washington, one that does not have conflicting interests in the region, while maintaining friendly independence from China and Japan and improving preemptive defenses against North Korea," he said.

Brown, a research fellow at the Korea Economic Research Institute, said Korea needs a strong leader but maybe not one with too much charisma, which might lead to trouble with the likes of Putin, Xi, Abe and even Trump.

"The person needs to be intelligent, and willing to quickly learn from the rough neighborhood of Northeast Asia," he said.

Citing lingering geopolitical risks, powerful neighbors and vociferous Korean people, he described Korea's president as the toughest job in the world.

"All the Korean presidents in modern history ran into great political difficulties making me think the Korean presidency is the hardest job on the planet," he said.

"Having to wrestle every day with North Korea, powerful neighbors such as China, Russia and Japan, the U.S., and Korea's own raucous citizenry, should be enough to drive anyone crazy."

Brown, who served as a senior research fellow at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul in the 1980s, called Korea a "proverbial shrimp" compared to China, Russia and Japan.

"Lacking peers in their day-to-day relationships, Korea's leaders often have a hard time knowing when to be tough and when to compromise," he said.
추천 0

작성일2017-03-24 13:50

상식님의 댓글

한국전 미군 사망자 약 5만... 오늘날 대한민국에 미국보다 더 소중한 혈맹이 어디있나.... 오늘날 한국의 번영의 밑거름을 제공해준 미국에 일부러 잘할것 까지는 없겠지만, 적어도 배반해서는 안된다는 것은 두말할 필요가 없는 일이다. 미국의 한반도 정책이 순수한 한국돕기가 아니라 제아무리 미국의 전략적 이익도 결부된 일이라 할 지라도.. 좀 살만해 지니까 중국의 눈치를 살피며 미국을 등한히 하겠다...???
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한반도에는 2만여명의 주한미군이 주둔하고 있는, 사드 고고도 미사일 방어체제와는 비교할 수도 없는 전략적 미국자산과 인원이 현실적으로 존재하고 있다... 그런데 미치광이 김정은 정권의 핵도발에 참다 참다 못해 방어적 수단의 사드 미사일 방어 시스템을 추가하는데 불과한 일을 갖고, 것도 공격무기도 아닌 것을 설치하는데도 그토록 중국의 눈치를 살피고 싶냐??
인구 5천만의 세계 경제 규모 11위의 강소국 한국을 중국이 카지노판의 칩 정도로 생각한다면 그것은 중국의 뼈아픈, 돌이킬 수 없는 실수가 될 것이다.
외과적 수술의 차원에서의 조치를 중국이 생각한다? 미국의 최우선 동맹국 한국에 설치된 미국의 전략자산인 사드 미사일 방어체제에 대한 폭격이라는 어마멍청한 일을 중국이 한번 저질러 보겠다??
그 다음엔 어떤일이 발생할지 중국은, 한국의 멍청한 개그맨 김제동이가 한 말대로 "잘 감당할 준비를 해야할 것" 이다.  군사정책과  경제문화 교류는 분리해서 취급해야 할 일이다. 가장 기본적인 지구촌의 상식인 것이다. 중국은 경거망동 하지 말아야 한다.

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