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베를린에서 열린 갈라 디너파티에 참석한 이반카 트럼프

페이지 정보



Ivanka Trump donned an elegant white dress while attending a gala dinner at Deutsche Bank in Berlin on Tuesday night

The 35-year-old paired her long sleeve dress with classic black pumps and green statement earringsThe 35-year-old paired her long sleeve dress with classic black pumps and green statement earrings

Ivanka was welcomed by the President and Chairwoman of Trump Ltd, Nicola Leibinger-Kammueller, the President of the Association of German Women Entrepreneurs, Stephanie Bschorr, and the President National Council of German Women's Organizations, Mona Kueppers (from left to right) 

Ivanka struck a pose with&nbspKent Logsdon, the Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the U.S. embassy 

Ivanka, who is pictured talking to&nbspGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel, is on her&nbspfirst international trip as an official adviser to her father

The First Daughter was all smiles as she sat next to Merkel during the gala dinner at Deutsche Bank

The two look like they were deep in conversation after meeting early in the day

The trip to Berlin is her first trip abroad since deciding to work in the White House

Ivanka looked focused as she listened to Merkel speak during the gala dinner with the Managing Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, to her right

It was handy her right earring was so much smaller under the earphone for translation

She wore her hair in a low, perfectly mussed chignon 

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작성일2017-04-26 11:56

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