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64세에도 젊은 감각 유지하는 프랑스 대통령 마크롱의 부인 브리지트 트로뉴

페이지 정보



She may be more than 24 years older than her President-Elect husband, but Macron’s wife Brigitte Trogneux looks much younger than her 64 years. So what are her secrets? FEMAIL asked the expertsThe former teacher, who is a grandmother, displayed a youthful glow and bouncy blonde locks yesterday

Emmanuel Macron and his youthful and trendy wife Brigitte Trogneux and her granddaughter celebrate his presidential election victory at the Louvre French Presidential Election results, Paris

Discussing her trim figure,&nbspMatt Fiddes says she looks healthy and does not appear to be abusing exercise in any way. 'Weight loss and body toning is key when staying in shape later in life, and Brigitte appears to have a healthy balance. She looks like she has clearly been working out as she is toned and possibly on a sensible clean diet,' he said

Brigitte's hair is voluminous and has youthful blonde highlights. Hairdressers believe she may wear hair extensions to achieve the look

She has expensive taste and loves designer labels - her favourite being Louis Vuitton. She has been spotted sitting on the front row at the luxury label's fashion shows, as well as at Christian Dior and isn't afraid of a short skirt 

Dr Ifeoma Ejikeme, Consultant Physician at UCLH and Medical Director of Adonia Medical Clinic, notes that she has a 'beautiful bone structure' and her plump skin points to a good skincare regimen

Dr Tatiana Lapa, medical director at The Studio Clinic, said Brigitte's youthful look is 'very likely' to have come from aesthetic enhancements

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작성일2017-05-08 08:29

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