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페이지 정보



Can you believe she's nearly 50? Liu Yelin, from China, rose to fame for her youthful looks

Stay active: The woman, 49, said many people wouldn't believe her when she revealed her age

After posting her pictures on social media, Ms Liu has got&nbsp75,000 followersMs Liu said she liked looking pretty from a very early age

Not a couple: Ms Liu (pictured with her son) said she's often mistaken for her son's girlfriend

Proud mother: Ms Liu said he son, 22, works as an assistant at a film production company

Life-time hobby: Ms Liu said her favourite pastime is swimming outdoors, especially in winter

Her perseverance in sports has made her appear almost as young as her son

Ms Liu became famous after one of her fans wrote an article about her and shared it online

Three decades of swimming has helped her build a body supermodels find hard to compete

Keep it up: The youthful looking mother confessed  it's not easy to stick to her&nbsprigorous routine

Natural beauty: Contrary to what many would guess, the mother said she rarely uses makeup

Ms Liu is also a compassionate and charitable person. She is seen holding a certificate after donating blood on her birthday this year. She said she donates blood every year

'I want to stay this beautiful when I'm 80 years old,' said Ms Liu. The woman said her new goal is to travel around the world

중간 사진에 남자는 22세 아들이고 이 여인의 나이는 49세라고 하네요

추천 1

작성일2017-05-11 10:39

한마디님의 댓글

성형수술로 아무리 밀어봤자
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