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혼수상태로 석방되 오하이오 집으로 돌아온 오토 윔비어

페이지 정보



작년 3월 식중독인 '보톨리누스 중독증'에 걸렸고 의사가 수면제 처방해줌.  그 이후부터 고마 상태로 북한 감옥에 있다가 어제 석방됨

Coma-stricken student Otto Warmbier, 22, was carried off a plane by two men after touching down in Cincinnati late on Tuesday following his release from a North Korean prison  

Footage shows two men carrying the 22-year-old University of Virginia student from the plane by his arms and legs after it landed&nbspshortly before 10.20pm on Tuesday

Treatment: Otto Warmbier is seen on &nbspa stretcher after landing at Lunken Airport in Cincinnati

The 22-year-old student - who has been in a coma for a year - was put onto a stretcher and whisked away in an ambulance to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center for treatment

Urgency:&nbspMedical personnel and visitors gather at the nose of the private plane carrying Otto Warmbier

Well wishers: Members of the public turn out at the airport to welcome back Otto Warmbier 

Warmbier arrived home to Ohio Tuesday night after serving 17 months of a 15-year prison term in a North Korean prison. An airplane carrying Otto Warmbier arrived in Cincinnati shortly before 10.20pm

체포 당시

North Korea claims Warmbier, pictured at the North Korean Supreme Court, contracted botulism in March of 2016 and was given a sleeping pill from which he never woke up - an astonishing claim that could not be independently verified

Securing Warmbier's release 'was a big priority' for Trump, who worked 'very hard and very closely' with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said 

오토 윔비어 석방후 한시간뒤 북한에 도착한 데니스 로드맨

Rodman's trip to the isolated regime was sponsored by a financial services company for legalized marijuana. Rodman knows both Kim Jong-Un and Trump personally

Dennis Rodman told reporters as he boarded a flight to North Korea that pushing for the return of Americans detained there was not his purpose in visiting 

추천 0

작성일2017-06-14 12:08

자전거님의 댓글

그러나 뉴욕타임스(NYT)는 지난 13일 익명의 고위 관리를 인용해 "'오토가 반복적으로 구타를 당했다'는 내용의 정보를 미 행정부가 입수했다"고 보도했다.

출처 : http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2017/06/15/2017061500318.html
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