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Melania Trump donned a cornflower blue dress and floral heels to greet Panama's president and first lady on Monday 

The first lady joined her husband, President Donald Trump, during his first face-to-face with Panama's President Juan Carlos Varela and his wife Lorena Castilla 

Melania's stunning blue dress complemented Trump's blue striped tie 

Melania gave the first lady of Panama a smile as she shook her hand upon her arrival 

Lorena waved as she stepped outside of the SUV that brought her to the White House

While Melania opted for blue,&nbspLorena wore a vibrant green dress and platform heels 

The two couples exchanged pleasantries at the South Portico of the White House before heading to the Oval Office 

President Trump put his hand on Melania's back as they walked inside together 

The two first ladies were all smiles as they posed for photos outside the Oval Office 

Melania's blue dress featured a small slit in the back, while Lorena's dress had a peplum design 

Ladylike: The first ladies joined their husbands in the Oval Office for their sit down

Melania and Lorena sat across from each other on opposite couches 

Melania smiled as she sat with her hands placed on her lap while in the Oval Office 

Both Melania and her husband smiled as they watched the Panamanian people leave the White House 

Melania later took to Twitter to post a picture of her and Lorena posed together, noting she is looking forward to working alongside her in the future 

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작성일2017-06-20 08:37

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