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두 딸과 발리에서 휴가중인 버락 오마바 부부

페이지 정보



Making a splash: The Obamas enjoy whitewater rafting down the Ayung River- although Malia (front) looks a bit surprised

Ever no drama Obama, the former president looked typically relaxed as he enjoyed some family time on the island of Bali 

The Obamas were spotted at the UNESCO World Heritage site during their luxury vacation to Indonesia on Sunday

Michelle (left), Barack (second from left) and their daughter Sasha (behind them, in yellow cap) took a walk through the fields, accompanied by their entourage

The Obamas like to keep active on their many vacations since Barack left the office. Michelle kept it casual in a baseball cap and vest, with her jacket tied round her waist

Obama appears to be chatting to Michelle (right) during the trip to the rice fields

Former US president Barack Obama (C) and his entourage take a break after a walk through the field while visiting Jatiluwih tourist site in Tabanan on Bali island on June 25 

Bump! The Obama's white water raft reaches land, as two guides help them dock  

Malia Obama looks less-than-thrilled as she glances up towards the camera  

The Obamas are enjoying some rest and relaxation at the Four Seasons, where freestanding villas come with a private pool and a spacious sun terrace overlooking the lush rice fields surrounding the Ayung River. Pictured, the Four Seasons spa

With anti-gravity yoga classes, spa sessions and river rafting, the Obamas will have plenty to do for five days before the former president heads to the island of Java

Pictured, a pool overlooking tiered rice fields in the Ayung valley sanctuary, where villas can cost upwards of $2,500 a night

Obama is also scheduled to visit Yogyakarta before heading to the capital of Jakarta, where he will give a keynote speech at the Indonesian Diaspora Congress, which starts July 1 (pictured, the Four Seasons)

추천 1

작성일2017-06-26 08:28

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