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발리에서 관광객 모드로 열심히 관광중인 오바마 전 대통령 가족

페이지 정보



Former President Barack Obama and his family wrapped up their five-day vacation on Indonesia's resort island of Bali and headed to the historic city of Yogyakarta on Wednesday during a nostalgic trip to the country where Obama lived for several years as a child. He is seen with his daughters Malia, left, and Sasha, who is holding the camera

Obama (center) waves as he walks with his wife Michelle (left) and daughter Malia, rear, upon arrival for a tour at Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia

Obama is seen above using his mobile phone to snap a photo of the temple.&nbspdrove to a luxury hotel in downtown Yogyakarta after arriving on a private jet at the city's military airport, said Indonesian air force base commander Air Vice Marshal Novyan Samyoga

Samyoga was among local officials who greeted the Obamas at the tarmac. He said the family looked relaxed and was smiling in response to onlookers who greeted them with cheers

Obama is seen above walking down the stairs of the temple, which is the largest Buddhist temple in the world and one of the faith's greatest monuments

Indonesian officials said that Secret Service agents did not have special requests for the Obamas' activities on the main Java island

Obama moved to Indonesia in 1967 at age 6 after his divorced mother remarried an Indonesian man

추천 1

작성일2017-06-28 15:51

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