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미국에서 최고로 몸에 불건전한 햄버거 9개

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햄버거 일주일에 한번은 꼭 먹는데... 다 맛있어 보여

1. Hardee's and Carl's Jr. 1/2 Lb. Thickburger El Diablo

Carls Jr., Diablo

What is it? It's a 1/2 pound burger "with jalapeno poppers, pepper-jack cheese, habanero sauce, bacon, sliced jalapeños, 100% Black Angus Beef Patty on a Fresh Baked Bun."
What's the damage?ف,380 calories, 92 g fat (31 g saturated fat), 3,830 mg sodium, 84 g carbohydrates
Unnecessary item: Jalapeno poppers

2. Steak 'n Shake's 7x7 Steakburger

9 most fattening meals in America, Steak 'n Shake's 7X7 Steakburger 'n Frie

What is it? "It's 7 Steakburgers and 7 slices of American cheese- a one pounder!"
What's the damage?ف,330 calories, 98 g fat (45 g saturated fat, 3.5 g trans fat), 4,490 sodium, 34 g carbohydrates
Unnecessary item: The 6 extra beef patties and slices of cheese

3. Ruby Tuesday's Portabella Crispy Onion Pretzel Cheeseburger

Ruby Tuesday's Portabella Crispy Onion Pretzel Cheeseburger

What is it? "A delicious duo of portabella mushrooms and Swiss. Served with chipotle mayonnaise and crisp onion straws."
What's the damage?  1,659 calories, 95 g fat, 3,086 sodium, 130 g carbohydrates
Unnecessary item: Onion straws

RELATED: 14 fast food menu items you should never, ever order

4. The Carousel Foods Oreo Burger

The Carousel Foods Oreo Burger

What is it?  A monstrosity from the Florida (duh) State Fair, the burger patty is "fried on the griddle then dredged through Oreo cookie batter and deep fried. Add bacon, glaze and crumbled Oreos."
What's the damage?ك,047 calories, 212 g fat (64 g saturated fat, .2 g trans fat), 2,179 sodium, 226 g carbohydrates (estimated)
Unnecessary item: We would say bacon, but bacon is never unnecessary, so the extra Oreo crumbles are probably not needed.

5. McDonald's Bacon and Cheese Sirloin Third Pound Burger

McDonald's Bacon and Cheese Sirloin Third Pound Burger

What is it?  "One-third pound burger made with 100% North American sourced sirloin. Freshly prepared with savory bacon, crispy red onions, pickles and melted white cheddar** plus ketchup and mustard atop our premium bun."
What's the damage?  810 calories, 41 g fat (18 g saturated fat, 2 g trans fat), 2,060 sodium, 65 g carbohydrates
Unnecessary item: The weight of the hamburger patty.

6. Wayback Burgers Triple Triple Burger

Wayback Burgers Triple Triple Burger

What is it?  Nine patties and nine slices of cheese stuffed between two buns.
What's the damage?ف,780 calories, 108 g fat (42 g saturated fat), 700 mg sodium, 30 g carbohydrates
Unnecessary item: The extra 8 beef patties and cheese slices.

RELATED: A lifelong vegetarian ranks fast food burgers...based on photos alone

7. Denny's Double Cheeseburger

Denny's Double Cheeseburger

What is it? It's exactly as it sounds: "Your choice of American, Swiss or Cheddar cheese tops two hand-pressed beef patties. Served with lettuce, tomato, red onions and pickles."
What's the damage?ف,120 calories, 67 g fat (32 g saturated fat, 4 g trans fat), 2,150 sodium, 49 g carbohydrates
Unnecessary item: The extra beef patty.

8. Chili's Big Mouth Bites

Chili's Big Mouth Bites

What is it? Small but mighty. "4 mini burgers with applewood smoked bacon, American cheese, sauteed onions & house-made ranch."
What's the damage?ف,560 calories, 83 g fat (25 g saturated fat, 2 g trans fat), 4,520 sodium, 144 g carbohydrates
Unnecessary item: The ranch sauce.

9. Burger King Triple Whopper Sandwich

Burger King Triple Whopper Sandwich

What is it? "Three 1/4 pound savory flame-grilled beef patties topped with juicy tomatoes, fresh lettuce, creamy mayonnaise, ketchup, crunchy pickles, and sliced white onions on a soft sesame seed bun.
What's the damage? ف,160 calories, 75 g fat (27 g saturated fat, 4 g trans fat), 1,050 mg sodium, 50 g carbohydrates
Unnecessary item: The two extra patties and definitely that mayo.

추천 0

작성일2015-06-23 17:04

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