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G20 참석하기 위해 독일 함부르크에 도착한 세계 정상들

페이지 정보



미국 대통령 부부

Shortly after Trudeau Donald Trump arrived for his first G20 soon after Trudeau with wife Melania at his side 

Earlier in the day the President was in Poland, where he appeared to finally turn on Russia for its 'destabilizing activities in Ukraine' and 'support for hostile regimes'

Trump is likely to discuss Russia's support of Syrian President Assad with Putin during the two-day summit 

캐나다 총리 부부

Trudeau, 45, walked down the stairs of his plane with wife Sophie, 42, at his side

Their three-year-old son, Hadrian, swinging between between them

Trudeau was the first leader to arrive for the two-day summit that is likely to be the stormiest in years, with disagreements ranging from wars to climate change and global trade

The G20 Summit  is an international forum for governments from 20 major economies

사우스 아프리카 대통령 부부

Later Mayor of Hamburg, Olaf Scholz, was pictured welcoming South Africa's President Jacob Zuma

In recent months Zuma has faced criticism from world leaders and his own people after a deepening economic crisis in South Africa

중국 대통령

The German city is braced for a potentially violent 'Welcome to Hell' protest on Thursday by anti-capitalist activists as tensions rise in the lead-up to the power meeting. President of China, Xi Jinping waves as he arrives at Hamburg Airport ahead of the G20

호주 총리

Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, is pictured arriving at Hamburg International Airport for the summit

그리고 트럼프 반대자들

A 'women against Trump' protest was held in Hamburg yesterday ahead of the US President's arrival in the country 

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작성일2017-07-06 09:12

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