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미국의 국딸이요~ 하고 다니는 이반카 트럼프

페이지 정보



혼자서 바르샤바의 게토 영웅들의 추모비 방문.

Ivanka Trump visited the Monument of the Warsaw Ghettos and the Museum of Polish Jews in Warsaw on Thursday 

Ivanka laid a wreath at the monument which she later said 'deeply moved' her

The 35-year-old enjoyed a moment of quiet observation as she stood at the foot of the monument after laying her wreath 

Afterwards, she joined her husband Jared Kushner at Krasinski Square 

Ivanka enthusiastically waved to members of the crowd as she made her way to her seat at Krasinski Square 

The pair held hands as they listened to the president praise Poland as the 'geographic heart of Europe' 

Ivanka smiled as her husband kept a straight face while they listened to her father's speech 

Ivanka embraced the summer temperatures in a blue and white floral printed dress and nude pumps

Ivanka embraced the summer temperatures in a blue and white floral printed dress and nude pumps

Ivanka was shown around the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews by Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich 

Ivanka was shown around the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews by Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich

Ivanka, who converted to Judaism ahead of her 2009 marriage to Kushner, said she was 'deeply moved' by her visit to the museum and monument

She was admired by crowds which filmed her visit on handheld cameras and smart phones as Secret Service agents held them back 

폴란드 도착당시

There she goes! Ivanka Trump was the epitome of chic in her red Escada suit as she landed in Poland alongside her father and her husband on Wednesday evening

Happy as can be: Despite the late hour, both Ivanka, 35, and her husband Jared Kushner, 36, looked thrilled to be in Warsaw

Steady does it: Ivanka kept her eyes down as she made her way down the steps of Air Force One in her high heels

Parents on the road: Jared and Ivanka have left their three children at home while traveling to Europe to support President Trump

In love: Jared clasped his wife's hand as they made their way off the aircraft

The mom-of-three wore a pair of diamond earrings and clasped a bouquet after landing on the tarmac

Stylish: Melania Trump, meanwhile, looked radiant in an emerald green Diane von Furstenberg trench coat - which retails for $2,400 

A warm welcome: The President and the First Lady looked delighted with the reception from the waiting crowd

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작성일2017-07-06 09:16

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