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작성일2017-07-10 15:38

결론은미친짓이다님의 댓글

NAPA (CBS13) – A Caltrans sign in Napa had drivers doing a double-take.

Instead of seeing the typical “Caution Ahead” sign, the text reads “caution, asian drivers.”

Video of the hacked sign was taken by a driver Sunday night. Because of the holiday,
we were unable to reach Caltrans for comment on a fix.

This isn’t the first time a Caltrans sign has been hacked into.
Last May in Dixon, a message said: “Free Hookers Ahead.

Pranksters also changed a sign to read “Zombies Ahead” on Highway 1 last July.

Also, in San Francisco, a hacked sign warned: “Godzilla attack.”


결론은미친짓이다님의 댓글

Brian5 days ago
is it hate speech if it is a fact? a hate fact?

allen thompson2 days ago
i think it is mostly asian women that the stereotype is about.
On the contrary, based on statistics,
asians have the lowest rate of car accidents and car accident fatalities

healthdios2 days ago
allen thompson you're right,  they only drive about 5 miles an hour

timothy Baker5 days ago
it's funny because it's true

Supa Fly5 days ago
WHiZJHAY come to LA and find out

J T4 days ago
WHiZJHAY its true Asian people are deadly behind the wheel!!!

E Lle3 days ago
Maybe we should put some signs at school to warn about whiteys school shooters

allen thompson2 days ago
i am asian. if you come to la, you'll find out.
I think it is mostly the asian women that stereotype is about

alexng42 days ago
I'm asian, and I approve this message

Supa Fly5 days ago
mabys its wanning asians of other drivers on the road

723lion4 days ago
Supa Fly good logics lol

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