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자동차 엔진오일에 관한 잘못된 상식

페이지 정보



synthetic 쓰기 시작하면 계속 써야 한다고 하기도 말하고
또한 플러싱 해야 한다고 하길래 찾아봤습니다.


Synthetic Oil Myths

Myth: Once you switch to synthetic oil, you can never switch back.
This is one of the most persistent myths about synthetic oil—and completely untrue. You can switch back and forth at any time. In fact, synthetic blends are simply a mixture of synthetic and conventional oils. It is advisable that you use the same oil for top-ups if needed, thereby giving you the best protection from the oil that you have chosen.

Myth: Synthetic motor oil is not compatible with conventional motor oil.
This is not true. For example, motor oil labeled “synthetic blend” already has synthetic oil and conventional oil mixed together. All Pennzoil® engine oils are tested for compatibility with other oils.

Myth: If you use a good synthetic oil, you can change your oil less frequently.
Lubricant marketers do not set oil drain intervals; these recommendations are made by the engine manufacturers. The point of using high-quality synthetic oil is to take better care of the engine and reduce deposit formation, which may reduce power, performance, and fuel economy – rather than extending the drain interval.

Myth: You shouldn’t use synthetic oil in an older vehicle.
The myth is rooted in the idea that synthetic oil is “slipperier”—lower in viscosity, or not as compatible with seals and will therefore leak or leak more in places conventional oil might not. Again, completely untrue. Synthetic oils will enhance the engine protection in older vehicles, just as they do for new engines.

Myth: You should break in your engine with conventional oil before you start using synthetic oil.
Again, there’s no manufacturer we know of that makes this recommendation. Mercedes, Porsche, Corvette, some Cadillacs, Volkswagen, Hyundai and many other manufacturers’ cars come from the factory with synthetic oil.

Myth: Using a synthetic oil voids a car’s warranty.
Untrue. The only engines that specifically exclude the use of a synthetic motor oil are some Mazda rotary engines.

Myth: Synthetic oil can't be used with ethanol-containing fuels.
Many gas stations already supply fuels blended with ethanol. Pennzoil® engine oils are tested for use with ethanol-containing fuels.

Myth: After-market oil additives are beneficial to your engine.
No. High-quality motor oils, such as Pennzoil® brand products, already contain carefully balanced additives for optimal performance.

Myth: Synthetics made from Group III base oils are not true synthetics and are not as good as PAO-based synthetics in Group IV.
Again, untrue. Synthetics made from Group III oil can, in some cases, outperform those made in Group IV oils in some areas.
추천 1

작성일2017-07-15 21:52

나이롱님의 댓글

아니, 이거 당연한거 아닌가요, Walmart 같은 곳에 가보시면, Synthetic, non-Synthetic,
그리고 Synthetic Blend 란 종류가 있는데, Synthetic Blend가 Synthetic 하고 non-Synthetic (Conventional)을
합친 거지요. 뭐 이런 것이 Myth측에 들어가나요...
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