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페이스북온라인뉴스 SFNEWSFEED.US에 소개된 대한애국당 조원진 인터뷰 박대통령구명 서명운동

페이지 정보







South Korean Congressman Won-Jin Cho of Daegu said of the sanctions imposed by the United Nations,"The sanctions are very reasonable.The United States, South Korea, and Japan have to defend themselves, especially with the nuclear program of Kim Jong Un, who has consistently threatened those nations with attack, threatening their survival. Unfortunately sanctions alone will not prevent North Korea from speeding up its nuclear technical programs. We need to remove Kim Jong Un first, with a policy of regime change...."

South Korean Congressman Won Jin Cho noted, "The arrest and current imprisonment of President Park Geun-Hye was done without the any constitutional presumption of innocence and without any evidence. President Park Geun-Hye should not have been arrested and placed in a detention center as confinement. She has been placed on a show trial 4 times per week, in hearings that last more than 10 hours per day. She has received an unfair trial , even though she has a lot of preexisting medical conditions so, It is believed that the current Moon Jae-In regime is forcing the worst wrong choice to reach the risk of life of President Park Gun-Hye....

According to Congressman Won-Jin Cho, the platform of the Korean Patriot Party, which was established through a founding committee at the beginning of July (7/1) )," The Korean Patriot Party will be inherited and founded on August 30th (8/30), which will be based on the founding spirit of Korea which was based on Christian spirit by first president of Korea Syngman Rhee and industrialization, secure self defense military system and wealth country, and Anti-Communism by President Park Jung Hee, and unification of North and South Korea through liberty, democracy, and strengthening the alliance between Korea and the US through the anti-communism of President Park Geun-Hye.

Moreover we want to initiate the restoration of honor and proof of innocence of President Geun-Hye Park, restoring Madame President Park Geun-Hye and investigating the pro-North Korean spies and communist activities, corruption of all politicians in South Korean and reveal Justice of Republic of Korea still valid to all over the world. K.P.P is the central party of pursuing liberal democracy, free market value, and making miracle of Han River again. The party will be the last hope of Republic of Korean which rescues the country from the danger of corruption and communist movement in the country..."

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작성일2017-08-10 15:38

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