* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

대통령 전용헬기 Marine One타고 가족여행 갔다오는 이반카 가족

페이지 정보



Ivanka's shy daughter Arabella, six, hid from cameras when she returned to Washington DC on Sunday from a weekend getaway at Camp David 

The little girl held her father Jared Kusher's hand and ducked her head as she walked off Marine One with her siblings and mother Ivanka Trump

Despite her cheery yellow frock, Arabella seemed glum after coming back from the brief weekend trip to the Maryland retreat

Ivanka walked slightly ahead of her husband and daughter, sporting an all white look with a preppy striped cardigan hanging around her shoulders while she carried her son on her hip

Ivanka had her hands full when she landed, smiling as she carried her one-year-old son Theodore on her hip and held the hand of three-year-old Joseph

Arabella seemed to go shy after waving to the press pool when she initially left for retreat, as she held onto President Trump's hand and gave a meek wave on Friday

Special Advisor to The President Jared Kushner and Special Advisor to The President Ivanka Trump walk across the South Lawn of the White House in Washington with their children 

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작성일2017-08-28 15:14

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