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왕좌의 게임 마지막회 베드씬 후 난리난 존 스노우 엉덩이

페이지 정보



Awkward: Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke admitted their recent sex scene as Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen was 'weird' to film, knowing the characters were blood related

Inevitable: Yet, the London-born hunk confessed he had a feeling the pair (above) would finally meet on the show, adding: 'But I don't think I predicted it quite as quickly'

Hotting up: Speaking in a special behind-the-scenes commentary for HBO, Emilia, 30, revealed 'gagging' was her first reaction to the tryst in the season finale (above)

Cringe!&nbspEmilia and Kit have both starred on the show since it first aired in 2009 - but did not shoot a scene together until last year, making the tryst even more uncomfortable to act out

Finally: Fans had still been left delighted by their steamy sex scene in the finale - despite the characters being blood related

Real romp: The two will surely soon be facing off against the White Walker army

Pleasing the fans: The passionate scene was the high point for many in an action-packed finale

Getting attention: The fans were especially excited to see a full view of actor Kit Harington's rear end

Top spot: The fans didn't seem too concerned by the fact that&nbspDaenerys is revealed to be Jon's blood aunt

Congrats: Many people thought that Kit's pert body part was the real star of the show

One step further: In fact, this user reckoned that it needed a proper credit

추천 0

작성일2017-08-29 15:51

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