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페이지 정보



An aerial view of an area in Houston near the Addicks reservoir on Tuesday shows the devastating floods from Hurricane Harvey 

Homes and businesses near the Addicks Reservoir in Houston on Tuesday as authorities race to release more water from it before it overspills, sending more floods on to the city which is already on the brink 

An area near the Addicks Reservoir on Tuesday. Homes near the dam will be flooded for months as a result of a controlled release of its water which the US Army Corps of Engineers was forced to carry out on Monday to avoid the dam from failing 

Homes near the Addicks Reservoir which overflowed on Tuesday, sending more water down towards Houston 

Planes in an airfield near the Addicks Reservoir on Tuesday after more flood water came cascading down 

Homes near the Addicks Reservoir where flood water continues to rise as a result of the overflowing dam 

Abandoned cars near the Addicks Reservoir on Tuesday where flood waters continue to rise 

휴스턴 다운타운

An aerial view of downtown Houston shows the devastating flooding on Tuesday as the water levels continue to rise 

Cars at a dealership in Houston float are almost entirely submerged in water as the flood levels continue to rise on Tuesday 

버팔로 바이유가 넘쳐서 잠기는 BMW

An abandoned BMW lies on the Waugh street bridge over Buffalo Bayou near downtown Houston on Tuesday 

휴스턴 구조되는 사람들

The Texas Military Department rescues people on kayaks on Tuesday as they continue to evacuate people from their homes  

Rescue efforts are ongoing in Texas where floods continue to wreak havoc on Houston and where almost 20,000 are taking shelter in refuges 

Residents carry children on their backs and hold their belongings above their heads on Tuesday as they flee their home near the Addicks reservoir which is on the verge of over spilling 

People have been forced to use kayaks and small boats to navigate their way through the floods in Houston 

Men use jet skies to rescue stranded residents in Houston and tow them to safety as the flooding from Harvey continues

Volunteers on boats toe people on rubber rings (left) to safety as a man carries a woman through the floods (right)

Volunteers on boats toe people on rubber rings (left) to safety as a man carries a woman through the floods (right)

Erik Peterson and his son Carlos are evacuated on a raft from their home near the Addicks Reservoir 

A man wearing a t-shirt with the words 'here 2 give a hand' written on the back joins volunteers in Houston on Tuesday

A woman and children are pushed through the storm in a kiddie pool by relatives as scores more try to escape the floods 

Andrew Brennan, a volunteer from Louisiana, drags a woman and her child to safety on board an inflatable raft 

A woman is wheeled in to a shelter on a stretcher in Houston after being evacuated from her home on Tuesday 

Brazoria County - a suburb south of Houston - issued this dramatic warning on Tuesday morning as the levees of the Brazos river burst in Columbia Lakes

Texas National Guard evacuates families from Pine Forest Village on Tuesday morning 

Evacuees are helped to dry land after their homes were inundated with flooding from Hurricane Harvey in Houston

Oscar Galindo, Donato Galindo, 2, Oscar Galindo, 11, Andre Galindo, 9, and Maria Rodriguez relax while taking shelter at the George R Brown Convention Center on Monday in Houston, after living inside a car since Saturday after the rain from the Tropical Storm Harvey flooded their home in Dickinson

휴스턴 월마트

The few grocery stores which opened were entirely pillaged on Tuesday as panicked residents stocked up in preparation for more disruption 

코퍼스 크리스티

A family is driven out of a flooded neighborhood in Corpus Christi on Tuesday

A man is carried out of flood water in a rubber boat after being rescued by volunteers in Corpus Christi 

Capt Martha Nigrelle of the US Army National Guard enjoys a chicken wing in the flood water while taking a break from saving stranded residents 

Evacuees in Houston make their way to dry land after leaving their homes that were inundated with flooding from Hurricane Harvey

락 포트

Texas Governor Greg Abbott looks over destroyed stores in Rockport during a tour of areas damaged by Hurricane Harvey, on Monday

This house in Bayside, Texas, was destroyed after Hurricane Harvey hit Bayside, Texas

This aerial photo shows a view of damage in the wake of Hurricane Harvey on Monday in Corpus Christi, Texas

A boy is lifted from a rescue truck on a street at the east Sam Houston Tollway

구조요원들에게 음식 제공해주는 락 포트 식당

A view of Rockport Donuts, local restaurant serving food to residents and aid workers, in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Rockport, Texas

만7천명의 수해 이재민 발생.  아래는 수해 이재민 9천명 수용중인 George R. Brown Convention Center

There are 17,000 people in shelters across Texas and more will flock to them as the disaster continues to unfold. Above, the George R. Brown Convention Center on Tuesday morning where 9,000 people are taking shelter 

People line up for food at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Texas on Tuesday morning after spending the night. There are 17,000 people at shelters across Texas and more are expected to need cover in the coming days

A woman naps on a chair while others sleep on the ground at the expansive shelter where hundreds are taking cover 

Thousands of people spent the night in shelters across Texas on Monday after being rendered homeless by the storm. A mother cradles a baby (above) at the George R. Brown Convention Center 

A man is searched by a police officer before being allowed in to the George R. Convention Center. Everyone is searched before going inside to prevent weapons being brought in 

Mark Ocosta feeds his baby Aubrey at the George R. Brown Convention Center on Tuesday 

Two-year-old Malachia Medrano sleeps at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas, on Monday night 

추천 0

작성일2017-08-29 21:20

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