* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

새 영화위해 살 엄청 찌우는중인 크리스찬 베일

페이지 정보



Transformation: Christian Bale showed off a stockier physique at the Telluride Film Festival in  Colorado where he was awarded the events Silver Medallion for achievement on Saturday

Talented:&nbspChristian certainly has the former politician's more portly build, with the actor wearing a baggy black shirt and pants as he received the Telluride Silver Medallion

Christian, is that you? The actor was almost unrecognizable as he took to the stage

Hanging out: Christian and Hostiles co-star Wes Studi promoted their new movie about a&nbsp19th-century Army captain taking a terminally ill Cheyenne Indian back to his homeland to die

In good company: The star posed with iconic director Werner Herzog on his left and actor Scott Cooper after receiving his Silver Medallion

Group shot: From left, actors Gary Oldman and &nbspBen Mendelsohn, Telluride's executive director Julie Huntsinger and Christian posed at the festival on Saturday

새 영화에서 맡은 역이 전 부대통령 딕 체니

New character: The star will play former Vice President Dick Cheney, now 76 - who served under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009 - in upcoming biopic Backseat

Power player: Cheney is widely-regarded as the most powerful VP in US political history (pictured with&nbspPresident George W. Bush in June 2004)

추천 0

작성일2017-09-05 08:34

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