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말리부에서 아이들 데리고 산책나온 42세 샤를리즈 테론

페이지 정보



Out and about: Among the attendees of the celebrity magnet Malibu Chili Cook-Off was Charlize Theron, who swung by Monday and was spotted out in the parking lot by a black SUV

On the go: The 42-year-old actress and mother of two young children was seen bending over a stroller outside the car, implying she'd brought at least one of her children

Chic:&nbspShe'd pulled on a stylish sleeveless black top over a slightly sheer skirt that featured gold and purple floral patterns flecked over a black backgroundChic:&nbspShe'd pulled on a stylish sleeveless black top over a slightly sheer skirt that featured gold and purple floral patterns flecked over a black background

Garnishing the look:&nbspHer blonde hair was gathered back into a low bun, and she'd accessorized with sunglasses, as well as with multiple gleaming bracelets and a pendant

Black straps wound up from the brown soles of the sandals she'd got on, and at one point she was seen carrying a Smurfette doll to be placed into the car

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작성일2017-09-05 08:35

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