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백악관 사진작가 Amanda Lucidon 뽑은 전 영부인 미쉘 오바마의 베스트 컷

페이지 정보



White House photographer Amanda Lucidon has shared what it was like behind the scenes covering Michelle Obama (Then-First Lady Michelle Obama snuggles against then-President Barack Obama before a videotaping for the 2015 World Expo)

Lucidon has shared her favorite pictures of the former first lady from both public engagements and private moments (Pictured, the then-first lady snuggles up with family pets Sunny and Bo during a video taping in the Map Room of the White House in April 2014)

&nbspLucidon has shared her favorite pictures of the former first lady from both public engagements and private moments (Pictured, the then-First Lady greets Peace Corps volunteers in March 2015 in Cambodia)

Now Lucidon, 38, has shared personal reflections in a new book, 'Chasing Light'. The book is a collection of about 150 candid photographs of the first family (The then-first lady throws her hands in the air as she participate in a filming for the Animal Planet Puppy Bowl on the South Lawn of the White House in October 2013)

For four years, Lucidon was the only female photographer on the White House staff and she was given the job of covering the then-First Lady, 53 (Pictured, the then-First Lady speaks with Taiko drummers in March 2015 in Japan)

Snapshots of Obama with her husband and daughters are interspersed with candids during trips to Cambodia and Japan where she is seen speaking with school children and dignitaries alike (Pictured, the then-First Lady is guided through the torri gates of the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Japan)

Then-First Lady thanks students for sharing their inspirational stories after a 'Let Girls Learn' event in Cambodia in March 2015

Lucidon traveled to 20 countries and numerous US cities with the then-First Lady's team, listening to her work and speak, growing to see her as a role model (Pictured,&nbspEigen Onishi thanks the then-First Lady for her visit to Kiyomizu-dera Buddhist temple)

Students welcome then-First Lady Michelle Obama and First Lady Bun Rany as they arrive at Hun Sen Prasat Bakorng high school in Siem Reap, Cambodia

To make sure she was always on time and never late, Lucidon adopted a mantra: The motorcade only waits for one person...and it's never you (Pictured,&nbspMony Pech guides the then-First Lady on a tour of Angkor Wat in Angkor, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia)

Then-first Lady Michelle Obama delivers remarks regarding the 'Let Girls Learn' initiative to Peace Corps volunteers at the Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra

Then-First Lady Michelle Obama visits Ta Phrom temple in Siem Reap, Cambodia

The then-First Lady sit inside Ta Phrom temple&nbspin Siem Reap, Cambodia

Lucidon shared some of her favorite photos - many never-before-seen images - and the stories from behind the scenes that highlight a personal side of the first lady (Pictured,&nbspTaiko drummers perform with the then-first lady at Fushimi Inari Shinto Shrine in Kyoto)

Lucidon also shared some of the logistics of her job, saying that she often felt like she was running trying to stay ahead of Michelle Obama (Pictured, the then-first lady, Chief of Staff Tina Tchen and Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler discuss the successful launch of 'Let Girls Learn' in Cambodia)

'I wanted to make sure that this book is a collection of candid images that shows you something that you didn't know,' Lucidon said (Pictured, the then-first lady concludes her tour of Angkor Wat in Cambodia)

사진작가 Amanda Lucidon

Lucidon (pictured) says she came up with the title for the book in that she saw Michelle Obama as a light who inspired others

'Chasing Light' (pictured) is available in bookstores Tuesday

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작성일2017-10-17 15:22

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