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이집트 피라미드 안 비밀의 방 발견한 과학자들

페이지 정보



이집트에서 가장 거대한 기자의 대피라미드 안에서 지금까지 알려지지 않았던 비밀의 방이 발견됐다.

2일 과학 저널 네이쳐 지에 게재 공개된 보고서에 따르면 일본 및 프랑스 공동연구팀은 카이로 외곽에 위치한 기자 피라미드 안에 30M 길이의 빈 공간, 공동을 발견했다. 높이가 수 m인 이 빈 공동은 왕 및 여왕 매장실을 연결하는 그랜드 갤러리(회랑) 위에 위치해 있다.

이 빈 공간은 존재만 확인됐을 뿐 아직 접근할 수 없다. 학자들은 뮤온이라 불리는 아원자 입자의 움직임을 기록하는 우주광선 촬영 기법을 이용해 비어있는 공간의 존재를 알아냈다.

기자의 대피라미드는 매장 주인공이자 건축자인 파라오의 이름을 따 쿠푸 피라미드로도 불린다.

기자 피라미드는 높이가 140m에 달한다. 피라미드 안에는 두 매장실 포함 세 개의 대형 방이 있다.

The Great Pyramid of Giza has been shrouded in mystery for millennia, but now a long-held secret of its structure might be known thanks to particle physics. An apparent narrow void lying undiscovered deep within the ancient Wonder of the World has been found by scientists using cosmic-ray based imaging. An overview of the breakthrough is shown here

Described as a 'deep void', it is at least about 100 feet long and up to 230 feet above ground, running over the Grand Gallery. It's function is unknown, and scientists are now hoping a flying robot could be sent in to uncover its secrets

The internal structure (white dots in image) is located above the Grand Gallery - that links two of the pyramid's chambers - and traces a similar route for at least 30 metres (100ft), according to a study published in the journal Nature. It could either lie on a horizontal or inclined (pictured) plane, the scientists said

The detectors work by using cosmic particles known as muons that have the power to penetrate deeply into most materials.&nbspResearchers can use these tiny particles to measure the density of structures, just like X-rays pass through our bodies to visualise our skeleton. Pictured is the results of one of the team's muography scans on the pyramid, which helped to reveal the new structure (SP-BV)

The team employed by-products of the cosmic ray known as muons that are only partially absorbed by stone and take noticeably different trajectories through air

Detectors were set up inside the pyramid, including in the so-called Queen's Chamber. This allowed the pyramid's insides to be visualised without physically disturbing it, as the results showed empty space differently from rock

Despite the breakthrough, the newly discovered structure has yet to be reached in person by any researcher. Experts used several types of muon detector, which reads subatomic particles as they rain down from the sky, for their study

Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza has been shrouded in mystery for millennia, but now a long-held secret of its structure might be known thanks to particle physics


Over the course of their lengthy study, the team have used several techniques to scan Egyptian pyramids.

 Infrared thermography - Infrared detects infrared energy emitted from object, converts it to temperature, and displays an image of its temperature distribution to reveal objects that may be hidden.

3D scans with lasers - Lasers bounce narrow pulses of light off the interiors of a structure to map it in detail. Once the scanning is complete, the data can be combined into a highly detailed 3-D model.

Cosmic-ray detectors - This detects muons that are created when cosmic rays hit the atmosphere. Muons pass harmlessly through people and buildings. 

Muons traveling through rock or other dense material will slow and eventually stop. The idea is to catch the muons after theyve passed through an pyramid and measure their energies and trajectories. Researchers can then compile a 3D image that reveals hidden chambers.

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작성일2017-11-02 16:24

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