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자전거 타고 커피 마시며 신난 저스틴 비버와 셀레나 고메즈

페이지 정보



&nbspReunited again:&nbspon Wednesday, Selena Gomez stepped out again with Justin Bieber for a biking session and a coffee run together in Los Angeles

Back on? Fans were shocked to see Selena back in the company with Justin last week after what was widely reported as a very painful breakup in 2016

Wheely fun time: The Good For You singer laughed as Bieber joked around

He's helping her: She wore a grey sweater while he had on a red Thrasher hoodie

Blissful:&nbspAfter picking up refreshments, the brunette star smiled and grabbed his arm - eventually resting her head on his shoulderBlissful:&nbspAfter picking up refreshments, the brunette star smiled and grabbed his arm - eventually resting her head on his shoulder

A close moment:&nbspAt one point, the 25-year-old songstress leaned her head on Justin's shoulder

Being open:&nbspSelena and Justin then parked their bikes near a cafe, where they both grabbed ice coffees

Focused: Selena couldn't tear her eyes away from Justin as they sipped on their cold drink

Leading the way:&nbspSelena styled her short brunette locks loose with a deep side part and a natural wave

Giddy:&nbspThe stars appeared to be having a blast during their outing together, which included a stroll and a biking sessionGiddy:&nbspThe stars appeared to be having a blast during their outing together, which included a stroll and a biking session

Can't stop smiling:&nbspSelena also carried a notebook with her cream Coach purse slung over her shoulder

어제 오후 운동가는 셀레나

The right step: Selena Gomez looked like the picture of health as she went to the gym off Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood on Wednesday

Ready to sweat: The 25-year-old Fetish singer wore a black sports bra and matching Puma shirts with a white shirt around her shoulders

Gomez had a glow to her as she walked into the LA gym aloneShe carried a book and pen in her hand as well as her keys and a cell phone

Bling it on:&nbspThe musician, who has been named Billboard's 2017 Woman Of The Year, wore a short yellow gold necklace that appeared to have a cross pendant

That Gomez glow: The It Ain't Me star wore pretty makeupShe had on light mascara and pink lips

Back to movies: The star just filmed the new Woody Allen movie and she has been providing the voice of Mavis for Hotel Transylvania 3

After her session: When leaving the gym, the Bad Liar singer was seen carrying a bottle of Fiji water

추천 0

작성일2017-11-02 20:09

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