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이번엔 텍사스에서 총기난사 사건이네요..ㅠㅠ

페이지 정보



미국 텍사스 주 샌안토니오 인근 서덜랜드 스프링스의 한 교회에 5일(현지시간) 괴한이 난입해 총기를 난사, 최소 27명이 사망하고 30여 명이 부상했다고 CNN·ABC·CBS 등 미국 방송이 이날 보도했다.

지난달 1일 58명의 목숨을 앗아간 라스베이거스 총기 참사 이후 불과 한 달여 만에 다시 엄청난 인명피해를 내는 총기 참극이 벌어져 미국 사회를 충격에 빠트리고 있다.

현지 경찰과 목격자들에 따르면 서덜랜드 스프링스 4번가 500블럭에 위치한 제1침례교회에 이날 오전 11시 30분께 일요일 예배 도중 괴한이 들어와 교회 안에 있는 사람들을 겨냥해 마구 총을 쐈고 여러 명이 쓰러졌다.

윌슨카운티 커미셔너인 앨버트 가메스 주니어는 현지 재난관리 요원들의 전언을 인용해 최소 27명이 사망했다고 전했다.

부상자 수는 최소 24명에서 30여 명으로 추정되고 있다. 부상자들의 상태는 전해지지 않고 있다.

경찰은 정확한 사상자 수가 확인되지 않았다고 말했다.
추천 0

작성일2017-11-05 15:02

옹골찬2님의 댓글

총격범은 이웃 과달루페 카운티 방향으로 달아나다가 얼마가지 못해 사살된 것으로 알려졌다.

총격범이 경찰의 총에 맞았는지 스스로 목숨을 끊었는지는 확인되지 않았다.

총격범은 교회에 들어왔을 때 완전한 전투복장 차림이었다고 목격자는 전했다. 한 목격자는 "총격범이 여러 차례 총탄을 재장전하면서 총을 쐈다"고 말했다.

앞서 윌슨카운티 경찰관 조 태킷은 "현재 총격범이 쓰러졌다. 얼마나 많은 사람이 다치고 사망했는지는 알려지지 않았다"고 말했다.

윌슨카운티 폴 W.페일 커미셔너는 "정확한 사망자 숫자를 갖고 있지 않지만, 20명 이상이 숨졌다"고 말했다.

서덜랜드 스프링스는 샌안토니오에서 남동쪽으로 48㎞ 떨어진 작은 마을이다.

옹골찬2님의 댓글

(CNN)At least 20 people have been killed in a church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, according to Wilson County Sheriff Joe Tackitt.

Many more have been injured, authorities said Sunday.
The shooter was killed after a brief chase north into neighboring Guadalupe County, according to Guadalupe County Sheriff's Office spokesman Robert Murphy. It is unclear if the shooter was killed by police or took his own life, Murphy said.

The FBI is responding to the scene of the shooting, according to Michelle Lee, spokeswoman for the FBI's San Antonio field office.
Local police also have responded to the scene, which occurred at the First Baptist Church, a witness told CNN. The witness, a cashier at a gas station across the street from the church, said she heard about 20 shots being fired in quick succession while a church service was underway around 11:30 a.m. local time.

Sutherland Springs is in Wilson County, about 30 miles east of San Antonio.
Wilson County Commissioner Albert Gamez Jr. told CNN that multiple people were killed and numerous people were injured in Sunday's shooting.
"My heart is broken," Gamez said. "We never think where it can happen, and it does happen. It doesn't matter where you're at. In a small community, real quiet and everything, and look at this, what can happen."
A law enforcement source told CNN that a man walked into the church and began shooting about 11:30 a.m. local time. Agents from the San Antonio field office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are en route to the scene, the source said.

About 100 family members of victims have gathered inside the Sutherland Springs Community Building next to the church, waiting for news of their loved ones, 26-year-old David Flores told CNN. Local law enforcement, the FBI and the Red Cross are also at the community center.
"My dad saw the gunman run into the church building and then he heard shots and saw people running," Flores told CNN. "People covered in blood and screaming. It was pandemonium everywhere."
"Looking around, it's very sorrowful and the pastors from all the local churches right now are just trying to console everybody," said Flores when asked to describe the scene inside the community center.
"There were several children injured," he said. "I know three, personally, who are in critical condition."
The 14-year-old daughter of church pastor Frank Pomeroy was one of the victims killed, his wife, Sherry Pomeroy, told CNN. Neither she nor her husband were at the church when the shooting occurred, she said.

Sutherland Springs

The Connally Memorial Medical Center in nearby Floresville, Texas, is "accepting and assessing victims" from the Sutherland Springs church shooting, according to hospital spokeswoman Megan Posey. The number of victims is unknown at this time.
At least 8 patients are being treated at University Hospital in San Antonio, according to spokeswoman Leni Kirkman, who added the situation is still active and the hospital may receive more patients.
A spokesman for Brooke Army Medical Center also confirmed to CNN that the facility has received patients from the shooting, but the spokesman didn't have a specific number.
Dana Fletcher, who owns a business down the road from the church, told CNN's Fredricka Whitfield that Sutherland Springs is a "very small" but "very tight-knit community."
"There's two gas stations, the church, a community center, post office, a Dollar General, a tire shop," she said. "That's about it."
Officials react to the news
"May God be w/ the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas," tweeted President Donald Trump, who is in Japan on his first trip to Asia as president.

US Senator John Cornyn of Texas called the news "truly heartbreaking" in a tweet Sunday. "Please say a prayer for First Baptist congregation, first responders & the community there," he said.
"While the details of this horrific act are still under investigation, Cecilia and I want to send our sincerest thoughts and prayers to all those who have been affected by this evil act," said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in a statement Sunday. "I want to thank law enforcement for their response and ask that all Texans pray for the Sutherland Springs community during this time of mourning and loss."

결론은미친짓이다님의 댓글

나라와 지역과 인종에 상관없이..
어느 그룹에나 돌아이 또는 고문관은 존재하는 것

궁민학교 중착교 때..
매 학년 올라갈 때 마다 반편성을 새로 해도..
신기하게 꼭 하나씩은 낑겨있는 똘팍 그리고 우등생..

전에도 있었고 지금도 앞으로도
사회에 불만있는 사람은 계속 나올 것이고 그들의 행동은 더욱 더 과격해 질 것..

내가 걱정되는 것은..
트럼프처럼 부시때 보다 더 심각하게 미국을 양분시키고 인종차별을 심화시킨
시기는 없다는 것..

앞으로 사회는 반목과 질시가 더욱 팽배해 질 터....
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