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빅토리아 시크릿 패션쇼 무대에서 넘어져 사과문까지 올린 중국 모델

페이지 정보



There she goes! Ming Xi, 28, suffered an epic tumble at the 22nd annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show show which was held at the Mercedes Benz Arena in Shanghai on Monday

Going, going, gone! Ming momentarily lost composure as she tripped over her ensemble

Taking a tumble: The Chinese model, 28, accidentally caught the flowing fabric of her ensemble on the heel of her thigh-high gladiator shoes - sending her packing for all to see

Oops! The raven-haired beauty was seen dramatically falling to the floor, before grabbing onto her statement headgear to avoid further disasterOops! The raven-haired beauty was seen dramatically falling to the floor, before grabbing onto her statement headgear to avoid further disaster

Like it didn't even happen! While many would have been left red-faced, Ming didn't break a sweat as she flashed a huge smile while continuing her sexy strutLike it didn't even happen! While many would have been left red-faced, Ming didn't break a sweat as she flashed a huge smile while continuing her sexy strut

Beauty: Glamorous floral wings and an incredible crown set completed the look for Ming Xi

Sexy: The number was paired with a whimsical semi-sheer blue gown, with balloon sleeves and a soaring split down the middle

Wow: Despite the blunder, Ming looked sensational in her saucy metallic and royal blue hued bodysuit

Ming Xi poses as she arrives for the after party of the 2017 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in Shanghai on November 20, 2017Ming Xi gets ready for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show at backstage

Showing support: The model's apology (picture) has become a trending topic in China

'I'm sorry to let everyone down. Thanks for everyone's concern.' 'As a model for seven years, I have fallen on this road many times, but I know no matter how painful it is, I must stand and finish. 'The future road is long. I will always continue walking.'

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작성일2017-11-21 07:09

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