* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

아들 Barron(11세)과 백악관 크리스마스 트리 받으러 가는 멜라니아 트럼프

페이지 정보



Barron Trump (left) and first lady Melania Trump (right) stepped onto the North Portico at the White House to greet the Christmas tree, brought to their door by horse-drawn carriage 

Melania donned a $1600 Calvin Klein plaid coat for the occasion

Barron, 11, was as tall as his mother despite her massive heeled boots

Melania and Barron Trump walked all the way around the wagon to catch a glimpse of the Wisconsin-grown Christmas tree, which will be situated in the White House's Blue Room 

Eleven-year-old Barron Trump (left) and his mother Melania Trump (right) surveyed the new White House Christmas tree 

Reporters microphones are seen dangling over Melania and Barron Trump as they check out the 2017 White House Christmas Tree 

The first lady kept it casual with a red top, jeans, heeled boots and a plaid jacket, pulled over her shoulders - a style she seems to adore 

First lady Melania Trump (left) smiles at her son Barron Trump (right) as they take a look at the official White House Christmas tree 

Barron Trump and Melania Trump quickly surveyed the White House Christmas tree in front of reporters Monday on the White House's North Portico 

Barron Trump and Melania Trump stand alongside the Chapman family of Silent Night Evergreens, who furnished the tree 

Barron will be spending Thanksgiving at Mar-a-Lago with his parents - not the White House

The Trumps posed for a quick photo with members of the Chapman family, who grew this year's Christmas tree, a winner of the&nbspNational Christmas Tree Association national tree contest

&nbspBarron joined his mom as they chatted with the Chapman family 

멜라니아가 입은 코트는 케빈 클라인 $1597.50

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작성일2017-11-21 07:30

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