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런던에서 초등학교 방문해 아이들과 정원 가꾸는 케이트 미들턴

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Country Kate! The pregnant Duchess of Cambridge dressed down in a Barbour jacket and her trusty boots as she arrived for a day of gardening with children in London

One of the outdoor areas was named 'Bug-ingham Palace' in a nod to the royal who came to visit 

The Duchess of Cambridge donned her gardening gloves and joined children as she visited Robin Hood Primary School to celebrate ten years of the Royal Horticultural Society Campaign for School Gardening

Kate, dressed in her trusty country attire, sat on a tree stump as she sat around and chatted to children about their favourite outdoor pursuits 

Kate proved to be a good sport as she got stuck into a spot of gardening with the local schoolchildren 

Kate certainly had a pregnancy glow about her as she sat around chatting to teachers and schoolchildren on Wednesday 

Kate, who is a mother-of-two and pregnant with her third child, displayed her maternal side

Thrifty Kate was sporting the same pair of &pound475 dark mid-length Penelope Chilvers boots that she wore when she first dated William back in 2003

Kate, 35, was in high spirits as she arrived for a day outdoors

Her visit to the school today comes after she spent yesterday at a museum and art gallery

Kate,&nbspwho is known for her love of recycling her wardrobe choices, has worn the brown boots on countless occasions 

Kate was there&nbspto celebrate their work with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Campaign for School Gardening

The Duchess of Cambridge was welcomed with a Christmassy flower arrangement as she arrived at Robin Hood Primary School in London

A gaggle of school children were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Duchess of Cambridge and waved flags as she made an appearance at their school

Kate, who is pregnant with her third child, was in high spirits as she was greeted by the school's headmaster on Wednesday 

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작성일2017-11-29 07:24

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