* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

인도에서 행사에 참석중인 이반카 트럼프

페이지 정보



Sartorial: Ivanka Trump continued modeling unique outfits during her visit in India today as she took part in a panel discussion during the&nbspGlobal Entrepreneurship Summit in Hyderabad

Colorful: The first daughter, 36, donned a tea-length red dress with&nbspa small floral pattern and black lace accents on its short sleeves

Sticking to her classics: Ivanka let the dress take center stage but still wore it with the same quirky mules she donned yesterday with another outfit

Change: Later on Wednesday, Ivanka modeled a different outfit for a visit of the the historic Golkonda Fort on the outskirts of Hyderabad

Sparkly touches: Ivanka paired the long-sleeved dress, designed by Surabaya-Indonesian label Biyan, with bejeweled white flats and glamorous sunglasses

Enjoying herself: The first daughter, who&nbspcalled the tour a 'perfect end to a remarkable visit' on social media, appeared to love the tour

Two-toned: Ivanka took to Instagram to share photos of herself in the black and white dressEye-catching: She was careful to show the two different patterns on the garment's front and back

Choices: On Tuesday, Ivanka appeared to want to emulate traditional Indian clothing during her trip to Hyderabad on Tuesday with a trio of outfits, including this evening gown

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작성일2017-11-30 07:28

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