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[펌]오늘 아침 워싱턴 근처에서 일어난 열차사고

페이지 정보



오늘이 운행 첫날인 하이 스피드 열차였다네요. 현재까기 3명 사망 확인 77명이 다쳤다네요.

  • An Amtrak train derailed near DuPont, Washington around 7:40am Monday
  • The train derailed while crossing a bridge over Interstate 5, causing at least one car to crash onto the freeway below 
  • Authorities say multiple people on board have died, but have not released an exact number yet 
  • No motorists were killed on the freeway 
  • It was the first day of a new high-speed service linking Seattle and Portland
  • The train was reportedly going about 80mph when it derailed 
  • Seventy-eight passengers were on board, and five crew members 

  • Injuries and casualties have been reported after a Amtrak train derailment near DuPont, Washington on Monday 

    The train set off from Seattle at 6am. The derailment happened just after dawn 

    It was the first day of a new high-speed service linking Portland and Seattle 

    Seventy-eight passengers were on board at the time, in addition to five crew. The train can fit around 250 people

    A train car's wheels are seen detached from the car on Interstate 5  

    Firefighters are seen looking for more survivors on Monday 

    A look at some of the tools firefighters brought to free survivors on the train 

    It's still unclear what caused the train to derail Monday morning. The NTSB will be investigating 

    The train was traveling on an updated set of tracks that run between Tacoma and DuPont, Washington 

    The NTSB will be looking to get the black box fro the train, which will tell how fast the train was traveling when it derailed 

    No motorists were killed in the derailment, despite the fact that a car fell on the road below 

    Many rail enthusiasts were on the train to make the first trip of the new high-speed service

    Amtrak derailment onto I-5 in Washington State on Monday

    Numerous paramedics were seen at the scene on Monday 

    Above is the train tracks where the train derailed Monday morning 

    추천 0

    작성일2017-12-18 11:35

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