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[펌] 2018년 1월 1일부터 바트 요금이 변동이 된답니다..

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Fare Changes Start January 1, 2018

On January 1, 2018, a number of fare changes will take place as authorized by the BART Board of Directors.
New Fares

    A fare increase of 2.7% will be applied to all fares, including discounted fares. The minimum fare will increase to $2.00 for Adults, $1 for Youth, and $.75 for Senior/Disabled Clipper users. This is a standard inflation-based biennial increase that was re-authorized by the BART Board of Directors in 2013.
    50 cents will be added to the fare for each ride using BART blue tickets. The minimum fare for blue ticket users will increase to $2.50. The extra cost is being added to encourage customers to use Clipper for fare payment. There is no extra cost for Clipper fares.
    The eligible age for a Youth discount has increased to 18. The discount is now 50%. Get a Youth Clipper card to avoid the added fare for youth tickets of 25 cents per ride. The Youth discount applies to those ages 5-18. Children 4 and under always ride free.
    Seniors and people with disabilities will continue to get a 62.5% discount.
    Get a Senior/Disabled Clipper card to get the discount and avoid the added fare for green or red tickets of 19 cents per ride.

Get Clipper

By December, all BART stations will have at least one Clipper card vending machine in the station. These machines will vend standard Adult Clipper cards only. There is a one-time $3.00 fee to get the card. In the coming months, Clipper and BART will have promotional events to distribute free Clipper cards to low-income riders for whom the fee could be a hardship.

You will still be able to add cash value to Clipper at all BART Ticket Vending Machines using cash or a credit/debit card (including transit benefit cards).

To get Clipper online, find in-person locations, or to find out more about how to get a discount card for Senior/Disabled or Youth, please go to clippercard.com.

Once you have your Clipper card, you can add cash value online at clippercard.com or set up Autoload to automatically add value when your card balance is low. You can also register your card for free to ensure your balance is protected if your card is lost or stolen.
Clipper and BART Parking

You can link your Clipper card to your BART EZ Rider parking account for a more convenient way to pay for parking. Once you have Clipper, go to https://ezrider.bart.gov/ezrider/ and follow the instructions to link the card to our parking program.

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작성일2017-12-26 15:26

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