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얼굴도 마음대로 바꿀 수 있다는 2018년형 섹스로봇

페이지 정보



It looks like the Harmony sex robot is getting a sister. On stage at CES for Engadget’s After Hours show, creator Matt McMullen debuted a new personality named Solana – simply by switching the sexbot’s life-like face for another

‘The face is actually modular, the same way that within the app you can change the personality settings and create a separate profile and separate avatar, you’re able to remove and attach a different face to the same robot very easily,’ McMullen said. ‘And anyone can do that.’Peeling off the ‘skin’ of the robotic head, McMullen revealed the mechanical skeleton beneath, with bulging eyes, dental mold-style teeth, and a clear cranium exposing her inner circuitry

With the face successfully changed out and a different color wig added, McMullen turned to the app, and switched the personality, allowing ‘Solana’ to take over where Harmony had existed just minutes earlier

But the process, while quick, is somewhat unsettling.&nbspWith the face successfully changed out and a different color wig added, McMullen turned to the app and switched the personality, allowing ‘Solana’ to take over where Harmony had existed just minutes earlier

Sex robots have become a fast-growing field of development, with Abyss Creations’ ‘Harmony’ RealDoll among the most famous to date

The idea is that the sexbot heads can be added to existing RealDolls using an adapter, the creator explained during the onstage interview. But, the firm is also working to develop new, heated bodies equipped with accelerometers and sensors that would allow them to respond to touches, and even move

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작성일2018-01-11 08:40

님촘짱님의 댓글

야..아무리 싫어도 미국 대통령와이프를 모델로삼아 섹스로봇 얼굴을 만드냨ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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