* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

7빌리언짜리 이혼소송중인 동생(29세)과 함께 법원가는 F1 상속녀

페이지 정보



Petra Ecclestone (left) is supported by her sister Tamara (right) at the High Court this morning

Petra, who shares three children with Mr Stunt, enters the court with Tamara this morning

Petra (left) is now locked in the final stages of her split and has won praise from Tamara (right)

Bernie Ecclestone, father of Petra and Tamara, is also at the High Court in London todayFormer Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone at court

Petra (left), 29, arrives at the court with a hot drink alongside her older sister Tamara (right), 33

Petra and Mr Stunt had been expected to fight over their mansions in Los Angeles and London

Tamara has been a constant support to Petra throughout the difficult court proceedings

Show of support: Tamara had accompanied her tribute on Instagram with a poignant quote that read: 'Hey little fighter, soon things will be brighter'

장인 때리고 부인 때렸다는 찌질한 전 남편

James Stunt

James Stunt is still wearing his wedding ringJames Stunt smokes outside the High Court today, still wearing his wedding ring (right)

James Stunt outside the High Court today

A court was told last year that Mr Stunt had signed a prenuptial agreement worth &pound16million

Mr Stunt is pictured smoking outside the High Court in London this morningMr Stunt holds a cigarette

The warring ex-couple of Petra and Mr Stunt had been back and forth to court for 12 months

다른날 큰딸 타마라 보다 6살많은 부인(39세)와 전시회 온 타마라의 아빠 F1 수장 87세 버니 에클레스톤

Leggy lady!&nbspDressed to impress, Fabiana showed off her enviably lean legs in sheer black tights that poked out beneath her tailored black coat

Cute couple:&nbspBernie Ecclestone, 87, and his glamorous wife Fabiana Flosi, 39, looked loved up at a private viewing of JR: Giants - Body of Work at Lazinc in London yesterday

추천 0

작성일2018-01-11 08:41

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