* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

얼어붙은 볼드강 폭포앞에서 웨딩사진 찍은 테네시 커플

페이지 정보



Stunning:&nbspA couple from Tennessee had planned to take their engagement photos in front of Bald River Falls but they never dreamed it would turn into the magical frozen scene when they arrived

Flawless: Josh Morris and Morgan Daye arrived at the Falls on foot in below freezing temperatures and were completely blown away by the setting as they were not expecting it to look so beautiful

Movie set: They took safety precautions before getting on the ice and Kellie said, 'My son, Damon and fiancé, David, were sure to check the stability of the ice before anyone got on, but when we arrived, there were dozens of people already out on it'

Gorgeous: Josh looked so handsome in a perfectly tailored black suit, while Morgan looked like a princess in her purple sequin gown with a keyhole back

Love: Even though Josh proposed to Morgan on a beach, that didn't stop the two lovebirds from letting the cold get in the way of their stunning photos

Freezing: The pair obviously did not mind the freezing temperatures, despite neither of them wearing jackets and Morgan wearing an open-back dress 

Happily ever after: Josh and Morgan have planned their wedding for May this year and if these are just the engagement photos, we can't wait to see their wedding photos

추천 0

작성일2018-01-15 11:25

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