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세상에서 가장 아름다운 소녀로 불리던 16세 틸란 블롱도

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Tracksuit: The French model Thylane Blondeau, who was once dubbed 'the most beautiful girl in the world' is now the new face of Juicy Couture

Proud: Thylane, 16, took to Instagram today to announce her partnership with the LA-based brand, writing: 'It's out ! I'm so excited to announce that I'm the new face of @juicycouture'

Print: Campaign images show Thylane modelling the brand's iconic tracksuits as well as several polka-dot-themed outfits

Boudoir: One photo sees the model pose in a black dress with white polka dot while resting on a pink velvet couch

Name: In one shot, Thylane models a ruffled tunic paired with leggings that have 'juicy' written down the leg

Daring color: Thylane donned a bright yellow tracksuit as part of the new campaign

Pattern: The model can also be seen in a white dress with red polka dot, with a pink and white panel wrapping around her waist

Pastel: Thylane posted next to a swimming pool wearing pastel pink from head to toes

Vision: The campaign includes promotional shots for Juicy Couture's eyewear range, with Thylane wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses along with a white and bright red topExcited: Thylane didn't hide her pride as she announced her new campaign on Instagram

Classic: One of the shots sees her posing with her back to the camera and, in trademark Juicy Couture fashion, displaying the brand's name written across her lower back

세상에서 가장 아름다운 소녀 (10살때)

Past: Thylane, the daughter of the French TV presenter Véronika Loubry and soccer player Patrick Blondeau, started her career as a child model

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작성일2018-01-25 08:12

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