* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

런던에서 열린 세인트 패트릭 데이 행사에 참석한 윌리엄 왕세손 부부

페이지 정보



A Guinness for me and a water for you! Prince William enjoys a traditional Irish pint while heavily pregnant Kate sticks to water during their St Patrick's Day celebrations visiting the Colonel of the Irish Guards in Hounslow, west London 

Prince William was seen enjoying a pint of Guinness, while pregnant Kate stuck to water

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge braved chilly conditions to celebrate St Patrick's Day today by attending a parade of the Irish Guards

Kate Middleton grins as she talks to members of the Irish Guards in west London today for St Patrick's Day celebrations

Prince William, who is Colonel of the Irish Guards, (left in black uniform) and heavily pregnant Kate are seen visiting the 1st Battalion at their base in Hounslow, west London

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who is due to give birth in the next few weeks, (left) braved the chilly conditions to attend

The duchess presents an Irish Guardsman with a traditional shamrock

The royal couple watched 350 soldiers arrive on the Parade Square before joining in on the festivities

William, in his black Colonel uniform, takes the salute after watching the 350-man regiment march by him

The Duchess is pictured stepping out with her husband Prince William as they arrive for St Patrick's Day celebrations today

William, Duke of Cambridge (pictured with Kate), is the Colonel of the Irish Guards

The festivities are being held in testing conditions with temperatures plummeting towards zero. There is a good chance of snowfall before the day is out

Betraying no awareness of the biting temperature, Kate smiled and chatted to each of the military men in turn

William holds an arm around Kate, who is due to give birth by the end of April, as they watched the parade

The Duchess is pictured giggling as she is saluted by a  member of the Irish Guard

Kate wore a green Catherine Walker coat and a Gina Foster hat as she presented the shamrock to officers and warrant officers

The Irish Guards were well prepared for the Siberian winds, having recently conducted the Changing of the Guard in the heavy snow during Storm Emma

Despite harsh winds and chilly temperatures, heavily pregnant Kate smiled throughout the celebrations and chatted to guardsmen

The Duchess fastened a shamrock to the collar of battalion mascot Irish wolfhound Domhnall (pictured)

The Duke and Duchess are pictured in Hounslow, west London with the Irish Guards for St Patrick's Day today 

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작성일2018-03-19 08:00

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